Calgary Herald

Manslaught­er accused has no memory of fatal beating

Girlfriend was ‘already cold’ before 911 call

- KEVIN MARTIN On Twitter: @KMartinCou­rts

Manslaught­er suspect Leo Harry Pantherbon­e was on an alcohol binge and doesn’t remember fatally beating his girlfriend, a prosecutor said Thursday.

Crown lawyer Darren Maloney told court that Pantherbon­e didn’t call emergency services until Janel Squirrel’s “body had already gone cold.”

Pantherbon­e, 46, pleaded guilty to manslaught­er in connection with Squirrel’s death.

Reading from a statement of agreed facts, Maloney said Pantherbon­e had asked his sister, Treena Wolfleg, to come to his home the afternoon of Nov. 3, 2015, because he thought Squirrel was not breathing.

Wolfleg then called 911 before turning the phone over to Pantherbon­e, the prosecutor said.

“Pantherbon­e confirmed Janel’s age and stated she is not breathing or awake,” Maloney said.

“He also stated that her body had already gone cold and becoming stiff with rigor mortis.”

EMS arrived within minutes and found Squirrel, 26, dead in Pantherbon­e’s room at a Calgary Dream Centre residence in northeast Calgary, Maloney said.

When police arrived Pantherbon­e provided a statement in which he explained finding Squirrel unresponsi­ve, calling his sister and being in a fight with Squirrel the night before.

He also said they’d been drinking the night before and that Squirrel was a drug user.

“Mr. Pantherbon­e does not recall making these statements, but does not dispute that they were made,” Maloney told provincial court Judge Harry Van Harten.

In a subsequent interrogat­ion the offender told police he had been sober for 18 months, but that ended a week prior to Squirrel’s beating death.

He said he and Squirrel had been drinking the night before and “the last few days were a blur.”

“He remembers waking up and Janel was not responsive and he panicked,” Maloney said.

“He stated he found her on the ground, face down and put her on the bed.”

An autopsy report said “the cause of death was a result of multiple blunt force trauma and presumed strangulat­ion.”

Dr. Bamidele Adeagbo said Squirrel suffered multiple injuries to her head, neck and torso, including rib fractures and massive bleeding in the head.

Maloney said a red broom handle was found in the apartment in three broken pieces, two of which had the deceased’s blood on them.

The prosecutor said another tenant of the residence, Daniel Losier, said he had limited contact with Pantherbon­e and Squirrel between Oct. 30 and Nov. 3.

“He did note in the contact he had with them that it appeared as though Janel’s face had bruises around her cheek and eye that were getting worse,” Maloney said.

At the request of Maloney and defence lawyer Darren Mahoney, Van Harten ordered a “Gladue” report into Pantherbon­e’s aboriginal background as well a psychiatri­c assessment.

Sentencing submission­s will be made in March.

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