Calgary Herald

Remembranc­e Day honours for Second World War pilot

Jack Hilton recalls the deadly raids, eating horse meat and losing friends


The usual image of a Canadian fighter pilot in the Second World War is that of a dashing young man flying the graceful, agile Spitfire in air-to-air combat against the Luftwaffe.

That, however, wasn’t Jack Hilton’s war. Oh, photos from the time show him to be dashing and young, but Hilton flew a Hawker Typhoon fighter-bomber in one of the most hazardous assignment­s of the war.

Attacking heavily-defended enemy positions at low level was a long way from what Hilton had in mind when he volunteere­d for the RCAF at the outbreak of war in September of 1939.

What he really wanted, Hilton remembers, was to become a gunner on a bomber. Instead, he was sent to be trained as a flying instructor.

After training in Windsor and Brantford in Ontario, Hilton asked for a posting to Alberta and found himself at No. 7 Service Flying Training School in Fort Macleod. He was now part of the British Commonweal­th Air Training Plan that operated flying schools across Canada and produced about 50,000 pilots for the war effort.

Hilton trained more than 200 pilots from all over the Commonweal­th during his time as an instructor. He also met and married an Albertan, Ethel MacRae of Stirling, in October of 1942. They honeymoone­d at the Palliser Hotel in Calgary and the marriage, he says was, “71 years of joy.”

Like many of the young men serving in Canada, Jack felt like he needed to do more.

“We all had that motivation,” he says. “We were missing out.”

He volunteere­d for combat duty and in February of 1943, was reassigned. Despite Hilton’s many hours of multi-engine flying, he was sent to train on single-engine fighters in Bagotville, Que. He recalls the members of his training course being told that many of them would not live to graduate.

Hilton found out how easy becoming one of the war’s estimated 3,000 training fatalities could be when the engine of his elderly Hawker Hurricane blew while he was flying at 25,000 feet. The many hours Jack had spent preparing students for such an eventualit­y paid off as he successful­ly bellylande­d the aircraft.

Hilton then spent a few months flying patrols with 118 Squadron on the Pacific coast. In November of 1943, the squadron was re-numbered 438 and sent to Britain as part of the all-Canadian 143 Wing.

Once they were overseas, the Canadians were given intensive training in low-level flying, gunnery and bombing techniques. They were introduced to the aircraft they would fly in combat, the heavy and powerful Hawker Typhoon, in January of 1944. Unlike the docile Hawker Hurricanes they had been training on, “you had to fly the Typhoon all the time,” Hilton recalls.

By April, they were attacking targets over the English Channel in occupied Europe. Following the D-Day invasion of France in June of 1944, 143 Wing was heavily engaged in supporting the Allied advance. Soon the Canadian Typhoons were moved to bases in France and then Holland, very close to the front lines. The fighting got even heavier. Hilton and his fellow Typhoon pilots were assigned to attack enemy lines of communicat­ion, supply convoys, bridges, trains and other strong points. Although the Allied air forces had achieved air superiorit­y over the German Luftwaffe, the enemy forces on the ground had plenty of anti-aircraft artillery and expertise in using it. Not only were the Typhoons attacking at low altitude, they went at a target one at a time, giving the gunners on the ground ample time to correct their aim for the next aircraft diving in.

If an aircraft was hit so near to the ground, the pilot had no chance to bail out. Even if pilots did manage to use their parachutes, they were often too close to the ground to land safely. In all, the three squadrons of 143 Wing lost 75 pilots, killed in a little over a year; most of them were killed in combat, and another 10 taken prisoner.

With about 28 pilots the strength of each squadron, this works out to nearly a 100-per-cent casualty rate. Roughly the same number of Canadians died flying Typhoons in British squadrons. Most of the 438 Squadron pilots who went overseas with Hilton didn’t come back.

“You watch them go down,” Hilton says. “Your guts get churned up all the time. You did it day after day with no food to speak of, just potatoes and brussels sprouts. Horse meat was a treat. You had no shower, no bath and no change of clothes. You slept on the floor in tents, or in slit trenches. We ate standing up from the back of trucks and we used jerry cans as toilets.”

The unsung heroes who kept the aircraft flying get high praise from Hilton.

“The mechanics were top-grade,” he says, noting that he never had a Typhoon engine fail or had a gun jam, even though maintenanc­e — including changing engines that weighed over a ton — was done in the open or under a canvas awning, even in the dead of winter.

Hilton, who now lives in Airdrie, crashed three times in Europe. “Every time you had a crash, all they did was give you another airplane,” he says. “I got shot down over Dunkirk, landed in a French field and the next day I was flying over Holland. They asked a lot of their men — not just me; I’m just one of many. I speak for the rest.

“At the time, you don’t think you’re doing anything special,” Hilton muses. “Now, people are saying it was special.”

The Air Cadet Squadron in Airdrie takes a special interest in him, he says, and in June, members of today’s 438 Squadron flew in from a training mission in order to meet him. In October of 2015, Flight Lieutenant (ret.) Jack Hilton became a Chevalier of the French Legion d’Honneur for his contributi­on to the country’s liberation. On Remembranc­e Day, he will take his place among the Second World War servicemen honoured at the Aero Space Museum of Calgary.

 ?? TED RHODES ?? Jack Hilton, who is possibly the last surviving Canadian Hawker Typhoon pilot from the Second World War, holds photograph­s and books of himself and his plane at his home in Airdrie. He is to be honoured this year at the Aero Space Museum Remembranc­e Day ceremonies.
TED RHODES Jack Hilton, who is possibly the last surviving Canadian Hawker Typhoon pilot from the Second World War, holds photograph­s and books of himself and his plane at his home in Airdrie. He is to be honoured this year at the Aero Space Museum Remembranc­e Day ceremonies.
 ??  ?? Jack Hilton flew dangerous missions in a Hawker Typhoon like this one, often flying so low it would be impossible to survive a crash or bailout.
Jack Hilton flew dangerous missions in a Hawker Typhoon like this one, often flying so low it would be impossible to survive a crash or bailout.

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