Calgary Herald

Digging a lot deeper on geneticall­y modified crops

There are arguments worth considerin­g on both sides of this murky debate


My decision to grow geneticall­y modified soybeans was made without malice toward the earth. Nor did growing that crop make me a witting or unwitting participan­t in a biotech company’s alleged bid to monopolize agricultur­e.

For some, the proximity of the word ‘genetic’ to the word ‘modificati­on’ too easily conjures images of tampering, as if a team of maniacal scientists has set out to change the course of human history under the suspicious guise of “progress.”

On the other side is uncritical acceptance. And that’s just as ugly.

In agricultur­e, industry is always pushing the latest chemicals and the latest seed varieties on the farmer. If we don’t push back, monopolies form.

Both of these sides are wrong. And neither is representa­tive of the average Canadian farmer.

“I don’t know how I feel about GM crops,” said an agronomist and soybean expert whose advice on agricultur­e matters is respected and sought out by farmers.

I was expecting a firm but thoughtful position in favour of the crops — she has an MSC in agricultur­e and has been working in the industry for many years — but her position was less sure.

In late October, the New York Times published Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Geneticall­y Modified Crops, an article exploring and calling into question the great project of geneticall­y modifying crops to increase yields while decreasing chemical usage.

There are reportedly billions of people starving on this planet, and by 2050 the world’s population is expected to increase to 10 billion. GM crops were supposed to be the saviour, not Frankenste­in’s wretch.

The article cited data the Times itself gathered, as well as some from the United Nations. It compared Europe — a continent that basically rejected geneticall­y modified crops and similar technologi­es a couple decades ago — to Canada and the United States, two countries that have accepted the biotechnol­ogy.

The results of this piece are suspicious. To be sure, at least one 20,000-acre grain farmer in Saskatchew­an could have provided a quote that would have sent the article back to the ground floor.

When the story broke, farmers across Canada took to Twitter and railed against its findings, saying things like, “They should have talked to me. My farm has reduced its herbicide usage since growing GM crops.”

And the finding that yields haven’t increased significan­tly since varieties like Roundup Ready soybeans were introduced by Monsanto in the mid-1990s is an interestin­g morsel — and one that is no doubt substantia­ted — but an incredibly dubious one.

I’m certain our farm would not be able to produce 45 bushel per acre soys if we grew a non-GM variety.

The farmers who first attempted to grow soys in southern Manitoba in the early ’80s and early ’90s had such poor outcomes they conceded that the crop was better grown in other regions.

Now, the crop is growing, and an undeniably important part of Canada’s economy.

The Times article is not entirely wrong. In fact, it isn’t wrong at all; just selective and poorly fleshed out. It mentions the potential pitfalls of Roundup-tolerant weeds sprouting as a result of constant exposure to only one herbicide. Yes, this is true. Weeds persistent­ly killed with the same chemical will eventually adapt to survive and become less affected by it. This has become a significan­t issue in areas of the U.S.

But what this article fails to account for is the many farmers in Canada and elsewhere who understand this and mitigate the risks of such happening on their farms by mixing small quantities of compatible chemicals into their Roundup to ensure invasive weeds are not able to develop these tolerances.

It paints an almost malevolent, anti-environmen­t, anti-stewardshi­p picture of the North American farmer, who, in this article, is an uncritical consumer passively accepting seed and chemical recommenda­tions from the large companies.

The bulk of Canadian farmers are much smarter than that. It would have been difficult for our farm to find soybean seed that wasn’t Roundup Ready. It’s what’s available, it’s what is affordable — and this is a problem. Farmers wanting to try non-GM varieties will have to dig to find them.

More and more farmers are urging ag research bodies to look into developing and promoting nonGM varieties and how to grow them properly and profitably.

There are good arguments on both sides, and there are fallacious arguments on both sides, as well.

Be suspicious of large companies urging you to buy what they’re making. Be skeptical of new technology and chemistry. But don’t write it all off. There are smart people at Monsanto and Syngenta. And there are smart people on the front lines, protesting, holding their collective and individual power in check.

It’s OK. Wallow in the grey mess. The right answer to geneticall­y modified crops is yes and no.

 ?? TOBAN DYCK ?? A tractor hooked up to a seeder on Toban Dyck’s land in southern Manitoba.
TOBAN DYCK A tractor hooked up to a seeder on Toban Dyck’s land in southern Manitoba.

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