Calgary Herald

Calgarians must feel free to question performanc­e of their police

Democracy works when police services are accountabl­e, writes Insp. Chris Butler.

- Chris Butler is an inspector with the Calgary Police Service.

“We are servants, after all.”

As I write this, I am in Vancouver, testifying at the criminal trial of a police officer charged as a result of dischargin­g his weapon during the course of his duties and seriously injuring a citizen.

This is a difficult situation. I am a police officer: a proud member of the Calgary Police Service for almost 27 years with a total law enforcemen­t experience now approachin­g 33 years. It’s fair and accurate to say I have devoted my entire adult life to serving Canadians through this grand and noble profession.

During my career, I have had a specific profession­al interest in police use of force and use of force training, and most of my career has been focused on this area of law enforcemen­t. I have trained law enforcemen­t officers across Canada and the United States and have testified as an expert witness in criminal trials, civil trials, fatality inquiries and coroner’s inquests for over 15 years.

Yet, I have never before now felt it necessary to write a letter to the media. However, in light of comments made by a Calgary Police Associatio­n executive member, I am compelled to comment.

In speaking out publicly and raising concerns, Coun. Brian Pincott exercised his right of free speech to draw attention to the recent issue of officer-involved shootings. In doing so, he ostensibly drew the ire of Calgary Police Associatio­n vice-president Mike Baker, who commented, “Our citizens/cops can’t afford to have an anti-police councillor.”

Baker also remarked that he would make efforts to get Pincott voted off city council.

Baker’s errors of logic should be obvious, and extremely disappoint­ing, to any clear-thinking Calgarian. As a result of the number of officer-involved shootings in 2016, citizens are asking questions. My family, my neighbours and my friends in the community I live, and in my church, are asking me questions.

These are good questions, tough questions, and courageous questions. In speaking about the issue and voicing his concerns publicly, Pincott should be able to do so without having someone in a position of authority use that authority to attempt to shut him up. Indeed, one of the most fundamenta­l values of policing a free and democratic society like ours is the ability of any citizen to question authority without fear of persecutio­n from those in authority.

This is one of the core values, protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, that distinguis­hes Canada from a police state.

In defending the importance of free speech, writer Beatrice Evelyn Hall once famously wrote, “I disagree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

We all must remember that this fundamenta­l freedom was purchased, and continues to be protected, by the sacrifice, service and blood of our soldiers and our police officers.

The very fabric of our democracy may very well hinge upon the ability of police services to be accountabl­e to the public they serve.

This requires transparen­cy, honesty, openness to scrutiny, and continuall­y looking for better systems and methods of policing to ensure the safety of the public is optimized. All of these vital concepts require the freedom of any citizen to question police conduct or practices without those in the trusted positions of authority responding belligeren­tly, as Baker has done in this case.

We need to remember this vital principle written by Sir Robert Peel, the father of modern policing, “To recognize always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.”

Let no police officer forget, we are servants after all.

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