Calgary Herald



“We didn't know what to do, so we called Ray.”

It is an oft-heard Calgary refrain about 73-year-old Rev. Ray Matheson, pastor of congregati­onal care at First Alliance Church for more than 28 years.

“I do get a lot of phone calls,” admits Matheson, many from people outside his church. “The best thing about my job is giving hope to people who have lost it. To tell them, 'God loves you.' "

This “ambassador for God” is in demand for hospital and hospice visits, weddings, child dedication­s and the more than 30 funerals he conducts each year.

Even as a boy, the eldest of seven children spent play time pretending to be a pastor.

He received his theology degree at Regina's Ambrose University, and Masters of Divinity in Chicago. He worked summers at a mission for homeless people and for servicemen looking for a home.

A semester studying Hebrew was followed by 18 years as dean of students at Ambrose and two terms on Regina's public school board — the second as chair.

When he first arrived at Alliance, the church had 900 members. Today, 4,000 parishione­rs from 50 different nations show up on a weekend,

Married 42 years, the father of two and grandfathe­r of six sees people during the highs and lows of life.

Today, he says, the lows include people who have lost jobs and struggle in conflict, and the tragic, early deaths. He recently led a funeral for a victim of fentanyl.

“Availabili­ty of drugs is creating so much destructio­n of the lives of promising young people.”

But then there is the hope, including a recent visit to a physician dying of cancer.

“I was able to pray with him, hold his hand, and he is so peaceful now.”

In both cases, the families were not Alliance Church members.

“I always say, when you get to the gates of heaven, they don't ask what church you go to.”

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