Calgary Herald



The night before Calgary's devastatin­g 2013 flood, Kimberley Cooper was named artistic director of Decidedly Jazz Danceworks.

It literally “rained on my parade,” says Cooper. But what may have seemed a bad omen came up roses, as DJD last year opened its $25-million art space — described by Cooper as a “palace” compared to past venues.

The now 45-year-old had an inauspicio­us start, fired as a dancer at 19 after joining DJD out of high school.

“I went home, got better (as a dancer and health-wise, recovering from mononucleo­sis) and worked my tail off. I auditioned and got hired back.”

Her 25-year career flowed from dancer to a much-in-demand choreograp­her, to films and tours, to now leading the troupe into the future in its state-of-the-art new home.

A precocious, constantly moving child, Cooper's destiny may have been sealed at age four.

However, two years of ballet ended when she saw Vicki Adams (DJD co-founder) perform and, “I thought, 'yeah, that's better'."

Neighbourh­ood jazz classes and a Young Canadians stint followed.

Her passion for dance hasn't always been positive.

"In Grade 8, all my friends wrote me a letter saying they didn't want to be friends anymore because all I talked about was dance.

“I didn't really care. I never faltered in my passion.”

She was first in her family not to go to university — hard on her university professor dad — but moved swiftly through the dance world. At 30, she was resident choreograp­her at DJD.

This year will see more original pieces combining dance and live music, including Juliet and Romeo on Jan. 18 — “I flipped names so people know it's not traditiona­l; I always thought Juliet was the more interestin­g character.”

Cooper describes her work life not as a career, but a lifestyle.

“I always joke, if you are looking to get into dance, get out of it. The reality is, if dance chooses you — succumb to it.

“Dance chose me; I went along for the ride.”

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