Calgary Herald

LED lights, low-flow shower heads part of green plan


Over the coming months, as the province continues along the path set by its climate leadership plan, the government will dole out free or low-cost LED light bulbs and low-flow shower heads.

It’s part of the energy-efficiency portion of the plan, along with appliance rebates for consumers, non-profits and businesses.

Right now that work is being overseen by the six-member board of Energy Efficiency Alberta, a Crown corporatio­n created to figure out the programs that will most benefit Albertans.

Funded by cash from the carbon tax that kicked in on Jan. 1, Energy Efficiency Alberta will also head up small renewable-energy programs.

Speaking at the Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance Conference Tuesday morning, Environmen­t Minister Shannon Phillips outlined the $648 million the province will put toward energy-efficiency programs over the next five years.

Sometimes it’s good that Alberta is last to the party, she said, because the province has been able to learn from other jurisdicti­ons.

“These are tried and true, very starter kit, very basic energy-efficiency programs ... that we knew we could deliver quickly with very little risk,” Phillips said.

As the conference got a technical deep dive on the programs, Phillips told media there is a request for proposals underway for a private company to deliver the programs to Albertans.

Energy Efficiency Alberta board chair David Dodge also addressed the conference Tuesday.

The board is “moving as quickly as humanly possible to put these programs forward,” he said, and will this week hire a CEO.

“We look forward to working with all of the folks in this room,” Dodge said.

“We have a very big job in front of us and we know your expectatio­ns are high.”

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