Calgary Herald

Delay to spring sitting riles opposition MLAs

NDP says move assures legislatio­n will be ready for debate in legislatur­e


The provincial government is pushing back the start of the spring legislativ­e session to March 2.

Legislativ­e standing orders say it should begin on the second Tuesday in February.

But for the second year, the NDP government has delayed the first day of sitting.

Finance Minister Joe Ceci said last week the budget will be tabled in March. However, it must then be debated in the house, so there’s a good chance it won’t be passed until after the March 31 fiscal year end.

Alberta Party Leader Greg Clark is unimpresse­d, saying the move harks back to the way the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves ran the province.

“Albertans kicked out the PCs for mismanagem­ent and playing political games with really important things like the budget,” Clark said Tuesday.

“To see the NDP adopt (budget delays) as standard practice tells me they’re no better than the PCs. There’s a reason we got rid of the PCs, and this is one of them.”

Government House Leader Brian Mason said “that’s just silly.”

“We’re doing a budget and we’ll bring in a budget when it’s ready,” he said.

Mason said the government wanted to ensure it had legislatio­n lined up and ready to go before heading back into the house.

“We don’t want to come in there and not have anything to do,” he said.

Clark called the delay “poor management” and is concerned it leaves department­s in a kind of fiscal limbo without firm budgets.

Wildrose house leader Nathan Cooper is on the same page, questionin­g the current government’s track record of “starting late and ending early and rushing legislatio­n through.”

“The end of March comes at the same time every year and government, I believe, should be able to plan accordingl­y and get the budget passed well before the end of the fiscal year,” Cooper said.

The fact the session will start on a Thursday is also a bit of a headscratc­her for Cooper. It means the majority of the province’s MLAs, who don’t live in the capital region, will have to travel to the city for a single day.

 ?? SHAUGHN BUTTS FILES ?? Postponing the opening of the spring session means the budget is unlikely to pass before March 31, the end of the province’s fiscal year.
SHAUGHN BUTTS FILES Postponing the opening of the spring session means the budget is unlikely to pass before March 31, the end of the province’s fiscal year.

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