Calgary Herald

Students unplug and discover how to reconnect with the world

- BARRY COOPER Barry Cooper teaches political science at the University of Calgary.

In the past decade, I have occasional­ly bumped into students whose attention is confined to a telephone screen. I never used a so-called smartphone until my old cellphone became obsolete and have been curious about what people find so compelling about them.

In one of my classes last term I offered an “experiment­al” option in place of the usual research paper. Students could keep a record and discuss their experience of a week without social media. No phones, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Snapchat, no Instagram, no social media at all.

The students were mostly millennial­s and had grown up with smartphone­s. Many expressed trepidatio­n at living for a time without one. It was a “detox,” a “black hole,” the “last meal before the electric chair.” Their friends were perplexed.

For many, the last thing at night and first thing in the morning, lying in bed, was to check their machines. “I can safely say that 70 per cent of my awake time is spent staring at a screen. My socializin­g is done online. I sleep with YouTube in the background,” they said.

For the first day or two, almost everyone said that being without social media was boring, especially standing in line at Tim Hortons. Next to boredom was loneliness and anxiety at being left out. “Disconnect­ing from technology felt like disconnect­ing from life. My own life. I was excluded,” said one student.

Around day three or four, many noticed changes in their behaviour. “I never thought playing music, scrolling through Twitter and watching TV or reading a book at the same time would have an adverse effect on my attention span.” But after abandoning such multitaski­ng “I was more present in class. I even got ahead on assignment­s. I had never done that before.”

Sleep and energy levels improved. Several went to the gym more often. “I had an ocean of time to play in.”

Social relations changed enormously. “I had dinner with friends and we talked. I read a book my parents gave me in high school. Once I started, I couldn’t stop.” One student said she didn’t fall asleep in church; another went shopping with his family on Saturday instead of staying home playing video games. One got to know his cousin from China, another spoke to a neighbour in class: “I made a real friend. I hadn’t done that since elementary school.”

Many discovered nature. “I actually stopped to admire the scenery, then quickly moved on because I was worried people would see me staring at a tree, which is weird.” Several were surprised at the wildlife on campus. “I had always known there were rabbits, birds and squirrels, but I never realized how many there were. I wondered what else I might have been missing.”

These observatio­ns were often followed by reflection­s. How did people keep in touch before social media or escape the awkwardnes­s of sharing an elevator without a phone to escape into? Some were critical: “Why did I care about ‘likes’ on Facebook in the first place?” Without social media “I was free to live my own life and not hit a ‘like’ button.” One had a poignant “epiphany,” that her “stress and anxiety comes from social media,” which then provides an antidote.

Students who took part in the experiment discovered a world beyond what one called the “real but not real” world of technology. They were likely as surprised at what they found as I was.

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