Calgary Herald

PM’s ‘welcome’ tweet was misguided.

Last thing Canada needs is feud with Trump


To avoid confusion, I agree entirely with Pierre Trudeau’s contention that a society that emphasizes uniformity is one which creates intoleranc­e and hate.

Donald Trump is a man temperamen­tally unfit to be President of the United States of America — a bully whose “win-lose” philosophy threatens peace and stability around the globe.

Americans are far more likely to die from lightning, lawn mowers and armed toddlers than Islamic jihadists, so his pledge to get tough on terror by imposing a 90-day ban on travel by citizens of seven Muslim countries makes little sense, like breaking a butterfly on a wheel.

But while Trump is truculent, he is also transparen­t.

He was elected, in part, on this nonsensica­l policy and there is every prospect that it will collapse under the weight of its own contradict­ions. It is blatantly racist, judging people on their race and religion, rather than their actions. Even his vice-president has called it unconstitu­tional. Republican­s who have to face voters in midterm elections in two years will, surely to God, curb Trump’s more noxious enthusiasm­s in the meantime.

It was entirely appropriat­e for the government of Canada to highlight its own policies on immigratio­n and point out that diversity is this country’s strength.

But the differenti­ation should not have come in the form of a tweet from a prime minister trying to build bridges with the new president.

Justin Trudeau’s “welcome to Canada” tweet on Saturday made headlines around the world — the BBC, New York Times and Al-Jazeera all portrayed the Prime Minister in the vanguard of opposition to Trump’s policy.

This will have played well domestical­ly — opposition to Trump crosses party lines but there remains a virulent strain of anti-Americanis­m on the progressiv­e left that last found voice in Liberal ads suggesting a Stephen Harper victory in 2006 would put a smile on George W. Bush’s face.

But while the tweet may have helped boost Trudeau’s political fortunes, it was not in the national interest. This is not Love Actually and Trudeau is not Hugh Grant, publicly berating a U.S. president for bullying his allies.

Canada’s most important bilateral relationsh­ip is with the U.S. and getting on with the Americans has been one of the most important obligation­s of any prime minister.

The Trudeau government avoided being targeted with protection­ist measures like a border adjustment tax by working constructi­vely with an incoming administra­tion on which it disagreed on just about everything. Instead the Liberals focused on areas of commonalit­y and muted their grievances.

At least we think we have avoided discrimina­tory measures. Who knows how a figure as mercurial and vindictive as Trump might respond once he reads the headlines in his beloved New York Times?

It would have been more diplomatic to have a member of the Trudeau cabinet, such as Somalia-born immigratio­n minister Ahmed Hussen, say that Canada remains open to refugees and immigrants. (Hussen did say Sunday that Canada will issue temporary residency permits to anyone stranded in this country because of the ban. And he defended Trudeau’s tweet, saying it was a “very important re-stating of the long-standing tradition” of welcoming those seeking protection.)

This would have been a discipline­d and discreet way of expressing Canada’s displeasur­e at the new policy, without tweaking Trump’s warped ego. The President lives in a world of absolutes, where, if you’re not with him, you hate America.

Thus far, Trudeau has been remarkably successful, considerin­g their difference­s, at getting along with the new president.

The world needs that relationsh­ip to flourish. During some future crisis, Trudeau’s role as interlocut­or — someone whose word carries weight in Washington — may prove crucial. We have already seen the Chinese reach out to the Canadian prime minister as someone who can talk to Trump.

But that role is in jeopardy, if the restraint that has characteri­zed the relationsh­ip is abandoned. The tweet was a calculated attempt to bolster sliding domestic support by upbraiding an unpopular president. It was a mistake.

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