Calgary Herald



Canadians can take some comfort in doing the right thing and welcoming thousands of Syrian refugees last year. Our nation has always relied on immigratio­n to bolster our numbers, and the opportunit­y to accommodat­e families fleeing civil unrest in the Middle East was an easy decision. No political party questioned whether we should open our borders to newcomers and invite them to not only share in the benefits of the inclusive society we’ve built, but to strengthen it.

And in doing so, we made a commitment to the refugees. Unspoken was the understand­ing that we wouldn’t just fly them here, provide accommodat­ion for a year and expect them to get a job and magically integrate into society. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who made a big deal about Canada opening its arms to the families we welcomed, must surely have understood that their transition to a full life in our country wouldn’t always be seamless.

On the weekend, Herald readers read about the Al Masalmeh family, which came to Calgary a year ago and now finds federal government support ending.

“We are limited to what we can buy,” says the mother, Seham, through an interprete­r. “Just the basics and it’s not always enough, even for milk and bread. There is nothing left over.”

That’s not acceptable. We must show considerat­ion for everyone — including those within our families, our circle of friends, those we encounter on the streets and those we know who are out there and are struggling to make ends meet. And the refugees.

You certainly don’t extend a tentative helping hand — offering the opportunit­y of beginning a fresh life in a new country — and then fall short.

The federal government made a commitment to the Al Masalmeh family and many like them. It, on behalf of Canadians, encouraged the family to take on the challenge of moving across the globe and piecing together a new life. There’s little doubt the refugees knew what they were taking on, and have done their best to cope with the many obstacles they face.

We owe the refugees our full support, whether it be financial, or in the form of Englishlan­guage training, so they can be successful. A productive, safe life isn’t just the Canadian dream; it’s a reality if we invest the time, love and resources in those we’ve promised to assist.

The real measure of Canada’s compassion isn’t necessaril­y how many refugees we welcome to our country, but how many we ensure are able to succeed. On that score, we must do better.

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