Calgary Herald


Cost for lunch supervisio­n to be banned in first step toward fulfilling election promise


The spring session of the Alberta legislatur­e begins Thursday with a speech from the throne — and the introducti­on of a new piece of legislatio­n that will surely bring a smile to anybody with a school-aged child.

The government is taking aim at the scourge of many a parent: school fees.

Bill 1 on the government’s agenda is called An Act to Reduce School Fees.

“We’ve looked at fees and will work with school boards to reduce fees this year,” said a government source.

“It’s important for parents to realize we won’t be eliminatin­g all fees this year, but we will be reducing them.”

Bill 1 is the start of the government fulfilling a promise made during the 2015 election campaign: “We will invest $45 million to reduce school fees by half, with a particular focus on banning lunch supervisio­n fees.”

The government has had to keep deferring the promise because of budget constraint­s. But now, according to government sources, Education Minister David Eggen has found cost-saving “efficienci­es” in his department to pay for the reductions.

We won’t see any dollar figures until the provincial budget March 16, but what we do know is that currently, parents are forced to subsidize the cost of educating their children. For example, Alberta parents pay about $45 million each year for mandatory items such as textbooks and instructio­nal materials.

On top of that, they shell out $40 million in bus fees and $21 million in lunch-supervisio­n fees.

Then there’s the $55 million parents pay for items such as field trips and optional courses.

The amount of money any particular parent has to pay varies greatly from grade to grade and from school board to school board. But one study estimated the average cost is $240 a year per household.

Taking aim at school fees is part of the government’s overall theme for the new legislativ­e session articulate­d by NDP house leader Brian Mason during a news conference Wednesday as “making life more affordable for Alberta families.”

Expect this to become the government’s mantra for the session, especially after it releases a budget with another multibilli­on-dollar deficit.

The opposition parties will say the NDP is “spending” too much, while the government will say it is “investing” the money in health care and education, among other things.

Government officials are also quietly proud of the fact that Bill 1 will directly impact, in a positive way, the lives of many Albertans — as opposed to so many Bill 1’s over the years that were mainly aspiration­al, such as Ralph Klein’s Cancer Prevention Legacy Act and Ed Stelmach’s Alberta Competitiv­eness Act.

However, the NDP is continuing the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve legacy in another way. It is not providing an advance copy of the throne speech to the opposition.

You might not think it a big deal. But being left out of the loop was the kind of thing that irritated Mason when he was NDP opposition leader back in the day. Getting an advance — but embargoed — copy of the speech allows the opposition to better formulate a timely response.

Mason knows that, but said he’s sticking to the old PC tradition of keeping the opposition in the dark until the speech is released to the public.

That’s understand­ably irritating the Wildrose.

“The government is doing a lot of the things they used to rail against when they were in opposition,” said Wildrose house leader Nathan Cooper.

However, there will be more things irritating the opposition parties this session than being frozen out by the government.

On March 18, the PCs will elect a new leader and it appears Jason Kenney will be the winner, kicking off what promises to be a heated debate between the PCs and the Wildrose over a “unite the right” strategy aimed at merging the two parties.

The two might be so busy wrestling each other that they won’t have much energy left to pin the NDP to the mat during the session.

And that will surely bring a smile to the face of government MLAs.

The government is doing a lot of the things they used to rail against when they were in opposition.

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