Calgary Herald

Stop offering parenting advice


Re: “Teachers should stick to teaching,” Letter, April 15.

When Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village to raise a child,” she forgot to say anything about how.

It seems to me that now, everyone thinks that they know what the children need, and without any thought of how, when or why, they make their judgments.

Often, the worst offenders of not understand­ing the requiremen­ts of a child do not have a child of their own. Or, if they do, they are often of the more fortunate class.

It is all very well for you to tell me how to raise my child, but only if you have walked in my shoes. Some unfortunat­e children come from difficult background­s and learn to rise above it, while others can’t seem to do so, but they still need love and understand­ing.

Would you prefer to have a school full of robots who learn only to follow someone’s rules, or would you like to see the diversity of our future, people who have learned how to handle whatever life has thrown at them? Audrey Erickson, Calgary

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