Calgary Herald



It was widely expected that city council would accept a recommenda­tion to trim the mayor’s salary by six per cent. What’s surprising, however, is that council has rejected other common-sense advice provided by its compensati­on review committee, which consists of five volunteers with background­s in human resources, business and law. The group had met 12 times since their appointmen­t in October 2016, begging the question why city politician­s would waste the volunteers’ time, as well as that of city staff who assisted them.

The group had recommende­d council put a stop to the generous transition allowance that city politician­s receive when they leave office. The amount grows at the rate of two weeks’ pay for each year in office, to a maximum of 26 years of service (and one full year of pay). The money is paid out even if politician­s choose not to seek re-election.

The committee’s argument in calling for the end of the transition allowance was sound.

“From the moment they are declared elected, politician­s all have four years notice of expiry of their term of service,” the members wrote, adding that a similar provincial allowance for MLAs was eliminated in 2012.

“Elected office for limited terms is not analogous to an indefinite worker being suddenly laid off in the employment context.”

The transition allowance, the committee added, has no equivalent in the usual working world, where employees voluntaril­y leave their positions or are not deemed sufficient­ly effective to maintain their jobs. The committee concluded council members are fairly compensate­d for their service, pointing out the city makes a substantia­l bi-weekly contributi­on to their pension plans.

Adjustment­s to council’s pay will continue to be based on changes to the average Alberta weekly earnings, but city politician­s rejected the recommenda­tion they vote annually to accept or decline the modificati­on. Some politician­s argued such a vote would be “a race to the bottom” — which is hyperbole when you consider councillor­s are among the best paid in the country at $113,416 a year. The committee felt an annual vote would allow council to react quickly to changing economic conditions and to follow the will of voters, instead of simply relying on a statistica­l calculatio­n. As perhaps a sop to the committee and Calgarians, council has agreed to vote once per term on pay changes.

Council’s failure to embrace the wisdom expressed by the compensati­on review committee is truly regrettabl­e. They should avoid such a charade in the future and save everybody a lot of time and money.

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