Calgary Herald



Education Minister David Eggen hasn’t eliminated the array of fees that vex Alberta families, but he has proven to be a quick study in his job. Since assuming the position in 2015, Eggen has never hesitated to criticize the fees parents must pay for a public education for their children.

He’s conceded the NDP hasn’t moved as quickly as it promised in the election campaign because of the challengin­g state of Alberta’s finances, and the admission is to his credit.

There’s progress to be noted nonetheles­s. The government has pledged $50 million toward trimming the amount families must pay each year.

This week, the minister signalled any new fees, and increases beyond five per cent, will require his approval.

That’s tangible leadership that will ensure the fees don’t become much more of a burden than they already are.

New regulation­s prevent schools from charging for textbooks, workbooks, photocopyi­ng and paper supplies, which is as it should be.

It might be appropriat­e to ask parents to contribute toward nice-to-haves, but they shouldn’t have to dig into their pockets to finance the basics, especially since the ability to help out varies so greatly, even among communitie­s.

In acknowledg­ment of that fiscal discrepanc­y, school boards are required to publish their list of fees, and outline how families can apply for waivers or refunds, on their websites.

The new regulation­s also give the minister the power to impose a so-called penalty or sanction, against any board that attempts to impose a new school fee or hefty increase without ministeria­l approval.

This isn’t to say everything is perfect when it comes to fees, especially around busing.

The province is providing funding to ensure busing is free for students who attend designated schools further than 2.4 kilometres from their homes. The Calgary Board of Education is tasked with taking care of the rest.

But with rising costs and a growing system, the CBE is putting more students onto Calgary Transit, particular­ly those in alternativ­e programs, prompting parents to grumble they are being punished for making that choice.

Eggen and the NDP should continue to make the reduction of school fees a priority, while addressing concerns about busing.

It’s a given the government is under tremendous financial pressure, but when they talk about maintainin­g important front-line services, accessible public education should be toward the top of the list.

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