Calgary Herald

Managing the tricky politics of transition

For B.C.’s Horgan, the hardest work is still yet to come, Darrell Dexter writes.

- Darrell Dexter is vice-chair of Global Public Affairs, a former NDP premier of Nova Scotia and former chair of the Council of the Federation.

The past weeks have seen high political drama in British Columbia — but the days leading up to this week’s swearing-in may turn out to be the most intense of premier-designate John Horgan’s already long political career. From the transition team, to senior bureaucrat­s, to candidates for cabinet, Horgan’s most complex task is evaluating and managing the many people whose careers he holds in his hands.

This process began officially on June 29, but work has been ongoing for many weeks on a preliminar­y basis by those on the transition team. All with a mix of government and political experience, this team has the confidence of the leader and works quietly far behind the scenes to ensure an orderly transition of government. This is a hallmark of a mature political system working for the public good.

It is useful to remember that political parties spend their time and resources preparing for and executing a campaign to convince and win over the electorate. These resources are limited and exhausted in the effort. Campaignin­g and governing are two entirely separate activities, operated by two distinct mindsets. The short-term, wartime strategic thinking that drives a successful campaign is much different than the careful, long-term considerat­ions needed to run a successful government. This requires the team to switch gears fast — and that can be a tall order for even its most experience­d members.

At the same time, the premier-designate must examine the political team the electorate has chosen for him. He will need to assess these people as potential members of his cabinet and balance political and operationa­l considerat­ions. When I formed government in Nova Scotia, I treated cabinet selection with the utmost sensitivit­y. My choices would most certainly have an impact on our citizens and the health of our province. But deciding who was in — and who was not — could also have ramificati­ons for the political health of our caucus and our chances of re-election.

This will be an especially critical considerat­ion for Horgan. With a bare majority, the makeup of caucus and cabinet fundamenta­lly influences the House and legislativ­e strategies. Not to mention, every member of the government caucus has been granted tremendous power. The leader’s challenge is to make every member, in cabinet or on the backbench, feel appreciate­d and valued.

The next assessment will be of the public service — has it been politicize­d, what changes need to be made, and to what extent? Is the public service operationa­lly ready to implement the mandate of the new government? What ministries need to be strengthen­ed, created, or amalgamate­d to carry out the mandate of the new government? And a critical question: where will new staffers come from, and how will the new government lure them to expensive British Columbia to work under a minority?

For B.C., moving the public sector out of 16 years of Liberal structures and systems to new ways of working and managing expectatio­ns will be challengin­g, as it is for any incoming government after a lengthy period of governing by the previous regime. In my own case, I chose to keep several Liberal Party staffers — they were qualified and competent — and our government was the better for their bipartisan service.

And so, as British Columbians wait the remaining days until premier-designate Horgan officially takes the reins, I would offer this one piece of advice to him. Government is about people. Taking the time to choose the right people is equally or more important than setting goals and policy directions. In the end, it is the people you choose now who will determine your future success.

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