Calgary Herald

Kenney under fire to release list of donors


Jason Kenney raked in cash in his run for the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leadership, but he’s also reaping criticism for his campaign’s financial practices.

Fundraisin­g figures from the PC leadership election posted on Elections Alberta’s website Tuesday show Kenney raised and spent $1.5 million, posting a huge financial advantage over his opponents in the race.

The Kenney campaign also said his Unite Alberta organizati­on, which operated before the PC race officially began, had raised $508,000 from 2,129 donors in the pre-writ period.

However, while the campaign released a list of 74 donors to Unite Alberta who had given more than $250 for a total of $118,745, a further 63 donors who gave more than $250 remained undisclose­d, as was their total contributi­on.

Kenney originally pledged the names of all those who gave over $250 to Unite Alberta would be made public.

In an email this week, Kenney spokesman Blaise Boehmer said the original disclosure commitment was made in “good faith.”

“Subsequent­ly, we received a legal opinion advising that consent must be sought under the Privacy Act before disclosing donor details. We therefore sought permission from donors to disclose their names publicly,” he said, explaining that not all donors had given that permission.

The NDP issued a release saying Kenney had broken his promise and questioned “what is he hiding?”

Alberta Liberal Leader David Khan, who recently called for tougher rules around third-party political organizati­ons such as Unite Alberta, said the disclosure shows the need for action.

“The secrecy surroundin­g Unite Alberta and the huge sums of money involved in this campaign are deeply troublesom­e,” said Khan.

Unite Alberta — which was not legally allowed to transfer money to Kenney’s leadership campaign — faced no donation limits under Alberta law, but Kenney set a limit of $30,000. The largest donation publicly disclosed was $15,000 from Robert Hobbs.

Among the major donors to Kenney’s actual campaign were corporate Calgary heavy hitters such as Fred Mannix and Ron Mathison, who each gave $25,500; Nancy Southern, who gave $21,262, and Richard Haskayne and Rene Amirault, who each donated $17,000.

Other major contributo­rs, who each gave $26,000, were Marsha Binnion, Stanley Milner, John Neudorf, Prem Singhmar, Deborah Wall and Constance and Dennis Nolin.

The PC contest started with a donation limit of $30,000 set by the party. However, contributi­on limits were changed partway through the leadership race, with a new rule allowing individual Albertans to give $4,000 in total provincial political donations annually.

The NDP said Kenney’s numbers showed his reliance on big donors.

In an interview Tuesday, before the figures were released, Kenney dismissed the idea that large donations should be a cause for concern.

“In the entire year I’ve been doing this, not a single person, not a single donor has tied or tried to connect their contributi­on to an issue or an interest,” he said.

“All of the donors with whom I’ve met have just been enthusiast­ic about the prospect of the renewal of free-enterprise politics, of unity and defeating the NDP.”

The financial documents show Kenney’s fiscal edge in the PC race.

The former MP’s campaign’s expenditur­es included $662,728 on salaries, $164,022 on rallies and events, $128,625 on travel and $114,237 on advertisin­g. It ended with a small $3,618 deficit.

In contrast, Vermilion-Lloydminst­er MLA Richard Starke, who finished a distant second at the March leadership convention, raised and spent $192,602.

Calgary lawyer Byron Nelson spent $45,578 and posted a $1,563 shortfall. Former MLA Stephen Khan, who dropped out of the race, ran up a $30,000 deficit on expenditur­es of nearly $55,000.

 ?? ED KAISER/FILES ?? Alberta PC Leader Jason Kenney says no supporter of his effort to unite the right has ever linked a political donation to a specific platform position.
ED KAISER/FILES Alberta PC Leader Jason Kenney says no supporter of his effort to unite the right has ever linked a political donation to a specific platform position.

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