Calgary Herald

U of Alberta researcher raises alarm over rare tapeworm


A rare type of tapeworm recently found in Alberta has infected four people in as many years, enough cases that the parasitic disease could warrant closer monitoring.

The tapeworm was describe as “essentiall­y a brand new phenomenon in North America” by Dr. Stan Houston, a University of Alberta expert on infectious diseases.

Although four cases in Alberta in four years presents little direct danger to any single individual, “for the very small number of people who get it, it is a serious disease,” said Houston.

The number of news cases does represent a major jump to researcher­s. The last known case in Canada was in 1928 in Manitoba. A relative of this strain of the parasite has existed in wolves and caribou in Northern Canada for a long time and occasional­ly is seen in Indigenous communitie­s who live in the region, but this is a distinct strain.

It’s believed the parasite was introduced in Alberta when someone brought an infected dog here from Europe, where the parasite strain is more common, said Houston.

The tapeworm begins as a lump or growth in the liver, but can spread to other parts of the body if not recognized early, though it can be difficult to diagnose early on because there are no symptoms. It grows very slowly but, if left undetected, can be fatal in 10 to 15 years.

The parasite was recognized in Alberta in the wild in coyotes and foxes recently by veterinari­ans at the University of Calgary. Houston said it couldn’t have been in Alberta for more than a few decades. It can also be carried by pet dogs. The parasite spreads to humans from the animals.

Humans can get the tapeworm from food which is grown close to the ground and may have come in contact with coyote or dog feces, or from trace amounts of feces in a dog’s hair.

Most infectious diseases in recent history have come from animals, said Houston. “The hope is this never becomes a very big issue. But it’s very early days.”

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