Calgary Herald


Social media has let popularity replace real expertise, writes Helen Vanderburg.

- Helen Vanderburg, co-owner of Heavens Elevated Fitness, Yoga and Spin Studio, Fitness Expert and Celebrity Trainer, Author of Fusion Workouts, 2015 Canadian Fitness Presenter of the Year. Motivation­al and Corporate Health and Wellness Speaker. Find her on

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We are constantly being bombarded with advertisin­g that feeds on our desires to change our body, life and health. The fitness industry has so many fads and fallacies, sometimes it’s hard to know what works, and what doesn’t. Add to this the minefield of misinforma­tion being shared on social media and it is a fitness jungle out there!

It has become easier than ever to share misinforma­tion and with the use of social media it can become instantly viral. Experts in social media marketing play off of the seduction to share what we secretly want to be true. If millions of people are following it, it must be true. Before you know it, everyone is rushing to the grocery store to stock up on an exotic spice to shed 10 pounds in a week.

Unfortunat­ely for the consumer, anyone can become a self-appointed health and fitness expert. In fact, you could start your own weight loss and fitness program online today. Social media is not bound by profession­al standards and has limited restrictio­ns to the content that is shared.

Expertise is being replaced by popularity. The drive to become popular and to lure in new followers has escalated the false health and fitness claims being made. With a flood of informatio­n being circulated every day, it is hard to know what is accurate informatio­n. Don’t feel badly if you have fallen into the “fitness fallacy trap.” It is difficult to discern legitimate informatio­n from what’s fraudulent as the websites and social media pages look polished and profession­al.

So how do you protect yourself from falling victim to false claims and bogus health informatio­n online. Consider these helpful hints the next time you are messaged on the latest and greatest trend in the fitness industry.


If the claim seems too good to be true, it probably is.

As much as we wish there was an easy solution to being healthier, fitter, slimmer, more muscular or less stressed, the honest answer is it is complicate­d and we are all unique individual­s. What may work for one person doesn’t necessaril­y work for another. If diet and weight loss was easy everyone would be at their ideal weight. If exercise was easy, no one would need to sweat. There is no simple solution or a magic recipe. There is no such thing as spot reduction. And fat doesn’t turn into muscle or vice-versa.


Where does the informatio­n come from?

Become a critical thinker and ask what is the source of the informatio­n? Is the informatio­n being shared from a credible source and based on peer-reviewed research? Google the claim and determine if it leads to a valid organizati­on and whether the research is available. Who can you trust? Look for accredited organizati­ons in fitness, health and medicine. Is the informatio­n linked to an academic journal, government agency, or non-profit accredited profession­al health and fitness organizati­on? As seen on TV, is not valid accreditat­ion. In fact, if you see this claim, ask yourself how television gives health and fitness products validity. It makes no sense.


What are the authors’ qualificat­ions, credential­s and affiliatio­ns?

In many cases people who are passionate about their beliefs will share them in such a way that they seem to be true. Ask what expertise they have to make the claims. How long have they been practising what they claim and are they qualified to give you advice?


Is the site or informatio­n sponsored by a product?

If yes, look at the essence of the product being sold and whether the educationa­l content is therefore biased. Is there a vested interest to share only informatio­n that supports the product? It is often a half-truth that doesn’t share all of the relevant informatio­n, just enough to hook us into what is being sold.


Do not be drawn in by the visual appeal of the site or advertisin­g.

Beautiful people in beautiful places do not translate to the real results that we will achieve from the use of the informatio­n or product. Just because a celebrity claims that they achieved their results by using a product or following a fitness regime doesn’t make it true. Remember it is Hollywood ... an illusion, a story, a script and a dream.

With the viral sharing of fitness and health informatio­n today it is easy to fall into the trap of following what we secretly want to believe is true. I get it. I wish there was an easy way to become and stay healthy and fit throughout life. The honest informatio­n is it takes effort to achieve and maintain your health and fitness goals. It is ever-changing and evolving with your needs, age, health status and lifestyle. Be smart and use critical thinking the next time a fitness and diet fad comes around.

 ?? DEAN PILLING ?? The drive to become popular and to lure in new followers has escalated the false health and fitness claims being made online, says Helen Vanderburg.
DEAN PILLING The drive to become popular and to lure in new followers has escalated the false health and fitness claims being made online, says Helen Vanderburg.

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