Calgary Herald

Spirits high at Jamboree even as rain soaks site


CAMROSE Cowboy boots, oversized cowboy hats and overly bedazzled denim were usurped as the most popular fashion choices at this year’s Big Valley Jamboree by things a little more practical — ponchos, gumboots and umbrellas

Even though a severe thundersto­rm warning Friday failed to dampen spirits at Alberta’s premiere country music festival, rumbles from on high were enough to cause a few concerned looks at the leaden and often leaking skies.

Light drizzle persisted all day before Environmen­t Canada issued its weather alert at 3 p.m.

Festival organizers quickly enacted their own severe weather protocols, shutting the main stage due to the risk of lightning. In 2009, the main stage collapsed in a sudden windstorm, killing one woman and injuring dozens.

A performanc­e by George Fox was cut short and Saskatchew­an singer-songwriter Jess Moskaluke had her show on the main stage cancelled because of the menacing weather, but the pair later performed in separate, smaller gigs at other venues on the grounds.

That lashing rain did nothing to improve the increasing­ly muddy conditions in the campground­s — rain on Thursday night did away with any hopes of a quagmire-free festival — but there were very few complaints from festival goers.

It is, after all, an outdoor music festival.

Koben Hammett was one of many festival newbies happy enough to brave the elements.

All the 21-year-old cared about was hanging out with his friends — “who don’t even like country music, they just come for the party,” he said — and unwinding after a long week at work.

“My friends have been trying to get me to come out to this for a while now, so this year I decided to come,” he said.

His thoughts so far?

“It’s great. It’s not what I was expecting, but I’m really glad I came here.”

Another festival greenhorn was Connor Rose, who made his way down from Dawson Creek, B.C., with a bunch of lads from up north.

The 21-year-old’s friends, who have visited Camrose for the past four years, had convinced the oilfield worker into driving seven hours to catch the music festival.

And it is unlikely to be one he will forget anytime soon; his brand new nipple piercing Thursday night will make sure of that.

“I’ll be honest; I don’t remember getting it,” he laughed.

Increased competitio­n from Edmonton’s “big shiny new arena” Rogers Place has meant ticket sales for this year’s festival are slightly down from past few years.

“It’s a little slower than usual, but there’s a lot more competitio­n,” festival producer Mike Anderson said, pointing to 16 shows that Garth Brooks put on in Alberta alone this year.

Still, Anderson is confident Alberta’s largest country music festival will be a sellout.

“We’ve really noticed these last two weeks that ticket sales have ramped up,” he said. “But we are really happy with the sales.”

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