Calgary Herald



There is a general belief among the cast and crew of Wynonna Earp that star Melanie Scrofano somehow willed it that her baby boy not be born until after Season 2 had wrapped.

It was like she was channellin­g the stubborn, kick-ass titular character of the sci-fi series, controllin­g when her baby entered the world. Granted, he did cut it close.

It was only four days after the cameras stopped rolling when the first contractio­ns began. At the time, Scrofano was at the tail end of recording some replacemen­t dialogue in a Calgary studio for the series, which was the very last thing she had to do for Season 2.

Her due date hadn’t arrived yet and producers had hoped she would have a few weeks off to relax after filming ended. But Scrofano said she had a feeling the baby would come early. Just not disruptive­ly early. “This is going to sound crazy,” says the actress, now back in Toronto with her husband. “I just knew.”

“So, I don’t know,” she adds quietly, “maybe I did control it.”

On April 18, four days after the season had officially wrapped, Scrofano’s baby boy was born in Calgary. It was almost as if he had been waiting for a convenient time.

But inconvenie­nt timing is at the heart of the bizarre, feel-good story surroundin­g Wynonna Earp’s second-season shoot in Calgary. On July 7, Episode 5 ended with a shocker for fans: Wynonna Earp — the cursed, hard-drinking, gunwieldin­g, demon-crushing descendent of Wyatt — was pregnant.

The news was met with a predictabl­e flurry of social-media giddiness among the supernatur­al western’s devoted fans, or “Earpers” as they are known. But they were in for a second surprise. Almost immediatel­y after the first reveal, producers sent out a tweet revealing that Scrofano herself had been pregnant during production. Miraculous­ly, neither the real nor the fictional pregnancy had leaked to the public ahead of time, despite the fact it was known by hundreds of cast and crew members. For a show already heralded for its feminist leanings and sharp twists, the idea of having a pregnant actress playing a pregnant superhero seemed further proof of its groundbrea­king nature. In fact, it was likely unpreceden­ted.

“Wynonna is such a femalefrie­ndly, feminist show,” creator Emily Andras told Variety.

“I was like, if any show is going to deal with this, it’s going to be us.”

But while the idea to incorporat­e Scrofano’s pregnancy into the narrative was empowering and bold, the actress admits she did not feel particular­ly empowered or bold last September when she had to tell Andras and the producers the news. The second season was set to begin shooting in December and a story arc had already been created. “I was terrified,” Scrofano says. “I thought, at the very least, they would be miffed with me and at the very worst we wouldn’t have a show. So, yeah, it was one of the most stressful times of my life.”

Producer Jordy Randall of Calgary-based Seven24 Films admits the news did throw them for a loop.

“It was one of those puzzles that was very daunting,” Randall says. “Your first thought is: How are we going to make this work? It takes a minute to process and figure out: ‘OK, we can’t delay the shoot. We can’t stop shooting to allow her to have the baby. She is going to be five to nine months pregnant during our schedule. Can we pretend she’s not and shoot around it?’ ”

It didn’t seem like a viable option and Scrofano admits she was not enthused with the idea of somehow hiding the pregnancy during the shoot, which would have been too distractin­g to her as an actress. It would have been a struggle and in the end probably resulted in a weaker, less-believable show.

So the decision was made to embrace the idea. Why not have a pregnant heroine?

“The last thing you think of when you think of a genre superhero show is a pregnant lead,” Randall says.

“But we decided that the only way to make this show interestin­g and better with this situation is to make her pregnant. Once we reached that moment, everybody was like ‘Yeah, it’s the only way.’ But we still had to convince the networks, the financiers. We’re selling a superhero show around the world and this is outside the box.”

To their credit, the brass at the networks — Syfy in the U.S., Space in Canada — liked the idea.

So did the cast and crew. All of which brings up the next challenge.

With all these people in on the secret, how do you keep it a secret? Even if everyone signed confidenti­ality agreements, it wouldn’t take much for the news to leak. It’s one thing to keep plot points away from prying eyes, quite another to ensure nobody discovers your visibly pregnant leading lady on an increasing­ly popular show is pregnant.

“Basically my parents knew,” says Scrofano. “None of my friends knew. Even family members didn’t really know because you just couldn’t risk something leaking online. So it was a bit lonely. It’s a hard time in your life to begin with and then you can’t talk with your support systems, which really sucks. But the Wynonna Earp cast and crew has become like a family. So I had great support there.”

In fact, if there was ever any friction on set it came from the fact that cast and crew were perhaps a little too much like a supportive, and fiercely protective, family.

Scrofano kept in fighting form through an exercise regimen of yoga and ballet. She did not want to shy away from fights and stunts, hallmarks of her character and the series in general. “Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you’re on your butt,” was the very Wynonnaesq­ue message she wanted to send.

“I would be sitting down and people wanted to help me stand up,” Scrofano says. “I got a bit irritated with that. The whole point is I’m trying to show people what we can do. People’s hearts were in the right place and they wanted to look out for me. But it got a bit frustratin­g. I was like, if you think I can’t even stand up on my own, you aren’t going to let me do anything.”

Stunt co-ordinator Steven McMichael, on the other hand, was delighted with the challenge.

He worked with his own wife, stuntwoman Leslie McMichael, and Scrofano’s stunt double, Andrea Ross, to ensure the show stayed action-packed and the leading lady stayed safe.

“We had a thing where Mel really wanted to do this thing where she kind of flopped back on the bed,” says the Cochrane-based veteran stuntman and former marine. “From that point on, I realized ‘I can’t even let her do that.’ So I wanted to focus more on the fight stuff, the throwing punches and even the kicks. She could still kick. It was more about concentrat­ing on that but just having spatial awareness because you have this belly and you don’t want the fetus to get harmed in any way.”

The baby made himself known in other ways. In one upcoming scene, actor Tim Rozon, who plays Wynonna’s friend and immortal demon hunter Doc Holliday, puts his hand on Wynonna’s belly.

“Doc puts his hand on my stomach, and it’s just a really sweet moment and the baby kicked at that moment,” says Scrofano. “It was like he wanted his presence to be known. I joke that he should have an Internet Movie Database credit.”

Wynonna Earp airs Fridays on Space.

Wynonna is such a female-friendly, feminist show. If any show is going to deal with this, it’s going to be us.

 ??  ?? Tim Rozon, Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Melanie Scrofano, Shamier Anderson and Katherine Barrell in Wynonna Earp.
Tim Rozon, Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Melanie Scrofano, Shamier Anderson and Katherine Barrell in Wynonna Earp.

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