Calgary Herald

Restaurant­s complain of ‘death by a thousand cuts’


A number of changing federal and provincial policies are negatively affecting Alberta restaurant­s, a group of politician­s and restaurate­urs said Friday.

“Albertans are strongly opposed to the Liberal government’s proposed changes that would result in a massive and punitive tax increase on hardworkin­g business owners,” said Michelle Rempel, Conservati­ve member of Parliament for Calgary Nose Hill. “My office has heard from thousands of Albertans, and over 44,000 Canadians have signed my e-petition recognizin­g that these changes will damage local businesses and damage the Canadian economy.”

Leslie Enchino of Blink Restaurant said that “government­s need to do a better job of understand­ing the realities of running a small restaurant business. We do not have the time and resources to constantly adjust to costly new regulation­s and mandated cost increases.”

Clayton Morgan, who was forced to close his Belvedere Restaurant on the weekend due to economic challenges, added: “It is tough enough trying to survive an economic downturn where our guests are spending less money, but adding all these additional government-mandated costs to our business has been like death by a thousand cuts.”

However, federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau told the media this month that the Liberals are listening to the feedback they’re receiving. He noted that changes have been made to the initial small business tax reform proposals from his government.

Restaurant­s Canada — noting that its industry is responsibl­e for 148,700 jobs, plus 34,200 indirect jobs in the province — is “calling on government­s at all levels to stop piling on extra costs on small businesses,” said Mark von Schellwitz, the group’s vice-president for Western Canada.

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