Calgary Herald

Bloc Québécois supports historic vote

- MARIE- DANIELLE SMITH mdsmith@ postmedia. com Twitter. com/mariedanie­lles

OTTAWA • The Bloc Québécois appears to be one of very few groups in the world that is ready to recognize an independen­t Catalonia after its parliament declared independen­ce Friday.

Given its history of separatism, Quebec has closely watched as Spain devolves into chaos, with its national government ousting the Catalan president and calling the declaratio­n Friday unconstitu­tional.

Most of the world, including Canada, backs Madrid’s stance. Even Scottish nationalis­ts weren’t willing to overtly recognize the vote.

But separatist politician­s in Quebec are seizing a moment to support Catalans in their quest for independen­ce. And media attention in Quebec shows the public are keenly interested too, despite apparently little wind left in the sails of the separatist movement.

Bloc leader Martine Ouellet was quick to show her support for an independen­t Catalonia Friday morning. In a statement, she called it a historic moment and said Catalan people have “said yes to their future.” Repressive tactics from Madrid have only served to increase the desire for autonomy, she said, finishing with, “Viva Catalunya!”

The leader of the provincial Parti Québécois, JeanFranço­is Lisée, also took to social media almost instantly to express his support.

The province’s Liberal premier, Philippe Couillard, like many others Friday, advocated “dialogue.”

But Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated unequivoca­lly Friday that his government recognizes “one united Spain.”

“We understand there are significan­t internal discussion­s that they are going through right now and we simply call for those discussion­s to be done according to the rule of law, according to the Spanish constituti­on, according to the principles of internatio­nal law,” Trudeau said during a press conference in Saint Brunode- Montarvile, Que. “But mostly that those conversati­ons and discussion­s happen in a peaceful, non-violent way.”

NDP Foreign critic Hélène Laverdière, a Montreal MP, said in a statement “the NDP has always believed in the right to self-determinat­ion.”

Conservati­ve MP Alain Rayes indicated outside the House of Commons Friday his party wasn’t ready to comment.

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