Calgary Herald



Eight tips from Christine Campbell and Chrissy Oliver on creating your own haunted house.

1 Volunteer at another haunted house, so you can see the work that goes into its creation. “Everyone in the haunted community is really passionate about mentoring,” says Campbell.

2 Search Pinterest for ideas, and join the Canadian Haunters Associatio­n on Facebook to meet like-minded people.

3 Watch Haunters Hangout on YouTube. The online show features interviews with small-scale haunters and profession­als. “You can get a good overview of what everyone does, and get ideas,” says Campbell, who was featured on an episode last season. 4 Begin with inexpensiv­e props from a dollar store. “Just start decorating and go with it,” Oliver says. 5 Be creative and add to your house every year. The Olivers salvage from Dumpsters for wood scraps and piping that get used in the scenes.

6 Safety first. Campbell and her family work closely with the Calgary Fire Department to make sure their creations are safe and compliant with city codes. They’ve never had a problem, but Campbell doesn’t want one either. “We’re trying to be proactive,” she says.

7 Help out those in need.

The Olivers collect donations for the Calgary Veterans Food Bank, while visitors to Haunted Calgary bring food for Calgary Food Bank and cash for Oops-a-Dazy Rescue and Sanctuary Society, which rescues abused and abandoned animals. “Our goal this year is 10,000 pounds of food and $10,000,” Campbell says. “We’re getting close.”

8 Find a place to store everything when you’re

done. The Olivers rent two double-car garages each year, while the Campbells fill their garage, basement and pretty much any corner that can be used to put things.

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