Calgary Herald


Newzones Gallery of Contempora­ry Art celebratin­g 25 years of business in the city


When she put up her shingle in the midst of the early 1990s recession, more than a few wondered aloud about Helen Zenith’s timing; some even questioned her sanity.

“They used the word ‘crazy’ in the headline,” Zenith says of a 1992 Calgary Herald article announcing the opening of Newzones Gallery of Contempora­ry Art. “I prefer to think of it as brave.”

A quarter-century later, Zenith has more than proven any naysayers wrong; unless, that is, they were referring to her in a “crazy like a fox” manner.

On Thursday, the longtime Calgarian and her daughter will celebrate their 25th anniversar­y of being business partners, surrounded by their artists, clients, family and community supporters, in the beautiful building they had built in 1997 in the city’s Beltline district.

“Calgary’s a place where you can realize your dreams,” says Helen when I meet with her and Tamar Zenith at their gallery on Wednesday. “Even in a recession I believe that.”

In this latest economic downturn, there have been almost weekly news stories about businesses in trouble, from local foodie institutio­ns and boutique shops to big corporatio­ns.

The Zeniths, though, are bucking the trend. They have achieved that by striking the perfect balance of dedication to both art and commerce, supporting local artists as well as other homegrown entreprene­urs, and having a plan for riding out the ups and downs of Calgary’s unpredicta­ble economy.

“Helen’s super conservati­ve, she always keeps me on budget,” says Tamar, who points out their building doesn’t have a basement, as it was an extra that in 1997 would have far exceeded their projected building costs. “She always said, ‘We have X amount to spend this year and we’re putting X amount in the bank, for the hard times.’”

Those were lessons Helen learned early as the daughter of newcomers to Canada who made their living operating a succession of inner-city Calgary grocery stores. Despite their humble living quarters in the back of those stores, the family found ways to appreciate the world of the arts.

“Before we even had livingroom furniture, we had a piano,” says Helen, who arrived in Calgary more than six decades ago as a five-year-old immigrant from Eastern Europe. “My mom would always have art on the walls, even if they were just posters she bought from Zellers.”

Ethel Wolf also made sure her daughter had hands-on art experience, with art classes and piano lessons. An accomplish­ed pianist, Helen won a scholarshi­p to what’s known today as the Banff Centre and, later, took up abstract painting.

“I was still expected to go to university and get a proper profession,” says Helen, who returned to the University of Calgary to study fine arts years after receiving an education degree and working as a teacher.

Helen, who has been married to her lawyer husband Leonard for a half-century, decided in 1992 to purse her dream of her own art gallery. She asked Tamar, who had just graduated from McGill University, to partner with her in their first location at the old Dominion Bridge site in Ramsay.

“She probably couldn’t find anyone with computer skills who would work for free,” Tamar, her first-born of two, says with a laugh. “I don’t think we ever thought at the time it would turn into the type of business it is today.”

In 2017, that business revolves around representi­ng local and other Canadian and internatio­nal artists — their top Calgary artists are Brad Harms, Dianne Bos and Colleen Philippi — in the gallery, online and at art fairs around the world.

“When Calgary’s super slow, it seems like other places have been busy,” Tamar says. “That’s what kind of evens out from a business end.”

There’s also been something of a role reversal within the mother-daughter dynamic. These days, Tamar is more involved in the art side, while Helen deals with the business aspects.

“We’ve seen a lot come and go,” Tamar says of their gallery, which shares longevity credential­s with a few others in the city core, such as Paul Kuhn, Trepanier Baer, Wallace and Masters galleries. “I’m curious to see what the next 25 years bring.” Her mom agrees. “We did a lot of gutsy things, which, you could sort of say, may be crazy,” Helen says with a smile.

“I kind of find it hard to believe we did it — but it worked for us. It was crazy, but good crazy.”

 ?? GAVIN YOUNG ?? The Newzones Gallery mother-daughter team of Tamar and Helen Zenith have always been able to strike the right balance between art and commerce, which has kept them in business for 25 years.
GAVIN YOUNG The Newzones Gallery mother-daughter team of Tamar and Helen Zenith have always been able to strike the right balance between art and commerce, which has kept them in business for 25 years.
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