Calgary Herald

Machine learning helping lighten minutiae-laden jobs


Law firms are adapting to the growing number of millennial­s who are filling their associate ranks and moving toward partnershi­p status by keeping up with their penchant for technology.

“Millennial­s have grown up in the digital age and they want to cut out the mindless, tedious tasks that often characteri­ze associates’ and students’ workdays,” says Anne McNulty, director of legal knowledge engineerin­g at Toronto-based Kira Systems, which has developed a machine-learning contract analysis platform. “AI helps them focus on learning.”

AI is changing the stereotypi­cal image of the beleaguere­d coffee serving, briefcase-bearing lackey associates who spend long hours in windowless deal rooms figuring out where to start due diligence for a merger or acquisitio­n.

That part of the job was the high price they had to pay for their future success. In fact, a recent study from University of Toronto, which compares two surveys of thousands of lawyers in Canada and the United States, confirms the correlatio­n between depression and success in the profession, a correlatio­n that is inverse in the general population.

The more successful and hardworkin­g lawyers are, the more likely they are to experience depression. Indeed, the incidence of depression increases with the size of the law firm and the apparent degree of financial success.

“What stands out about Big Law is that the lawyers there have to grind it out or they just can’t make it,” says Don Jack, a veteran litigator at Toronto’s Aird & Berlis, with more than 40 years’ experience at various law firms.

But Marko Trivun, a fifth-year associate at Torys LLP in Toronto, who focuses on due diligence for mergers and acquisitio­ns, is seeing a different future. He has been using Kira Systems’s contract analysis software since 2015. While the hours may continue to be long, he says AI software is improving the quality of the work.

“Kira takes the drudgery and monotony out of document review and allows lawyers to focus more on the legal skills they learned in law school in order to find the stuff that really matters,” he says.

More than just M&A practices can benefit from AI. Contract analysis software can also make for more efficient lease abstractio­n for real estate practices and enhance financial services practices by ensuring accuracy and consistenc­y of advice.

To be sure, Kira’s software is not the first iteration of contract analysis software. Rules-based and comparison-based AI has been around for several decades. But these earlier generation­s of machine-learning software require humans to predict the variabilit­y of documents and guidelines to identify particular clauses. They worked well for highly similar documents or simple provisions, but proved inconsiste­nt in dealing with a wide range of agreements.

Kira Systems allows users to import documents in more than 60 formats. It converts the files into machine-readable form, and then uses machine-learning models to identify concepts and clauses that the users specify. On-screen editing, workflow and collaborat­ive tools allow users to refine results in real time. Search and analysis functions identify issues and trends across documents, and allow comparison­s between them that enable lawyers to identify subtle difference­s, which may signal hidden risks or liabilitie­s.

“Instead of entering a data room and wondering where to start, Kira gives lawyers tons of visibility right away so they can target their client’s needs in short order and determine what kind of expertise the M&A team will require,” McNulty says. “Training time is about one hour and the learning curve is short and very, very intuitive.”

Those concerned that AI will result in lost jobs will be relieved to know that Kira doesn’t replace legally trained people.

Kira isn’t the only game in town when it comes to contract analytics. Law Geex, Beagle, Thought River and Legal Robot are among its competitor­s. But Kira has been particular­ly successful in Canada, where its national clients include Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP; and McCarthy Tétrault LLP. Internatio­nally, the system is used by various Magic Circle firms in the U.K. and a number of U.S. firms.

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