Calgary Herald

The inconvenie­nt truth about EVs in cold weather

Pair in Tesla’s Model 3 did drive across U.S. in decent time, but shivered all the way


So, a Tesla drove across the United States. That such a feat is no longer big news is testament to how far EVs have come.

What is newsworthy, however, is that Alex Roy, The Drive’s editor-at-large (and expert Cannonball­er), along with the Model 3’s owner, Daniel Zorrilla, took but 50 hours, 16 minutes and 32 seconds to drive from Los Angeles to New York City, the quickest any car has ever travelled from U.S. coast to U.S. coast using electricit­y as its sole source of power.

This is not an accomplish­ment to be diminished. Ten years ago, such an expedition would have been measured in weeks. Even five years ago, when Elon Musk began rolling out Supercharg­ers across the land, criss-crossing the continent would have been all but unthinkabl­e.

Those who seek to diminish Roy and Zorrilla’s accomplish­ments by noting that the current Cannonball Run record is something less than 30 hours miss the point. Google calculates the 4,288 kilometre drive takes just a tad over 40 hours, which means Roy and Zorrilla spent only about 10 hours charging the Model 3. Not so long ago that was the time it would have taken for a single overnight charge of its (optional) 75 kilowatt hour battery. It’s an impressive feat and proof of the progress in both EV technology and Tesla’s infrastruc­ture developmen­t.

But does it mean that EVs are ripe to supplant gasoline-fuelled cars in the immediate future?

Um, not quite. You see, buried deep in Roy’s 4,345-word treatise on his adventure is the following little tidbit: “It’s too bad we kept the heat off for most of the drive.”

Yes, to ensure they made it between Supercharg­er stations, Roy and Zorrilla drove through the worst weather much of the United States has seen in decades without the comfort of cabin heat. Indeed, both wore multiple layers of clothing. Zorrilla, according to Roy’s account, donning three layers of pants to stave off the frigid temperatur­es, while Roy himself had to buy a wool blanket halfway through the trip. That’s right, no heat in a US$55,000+ car that purports to play in the luxury segment.

Now Cannonball­ers past have made manifold sacrifices — ingesting massive amounts of caffeine, peeing in bottles and, even more gross (unless, of course, you’re the President of the United States), eating a steady diet of McDonald’s — in their pursuit of speed. But those compromise­s have always been to overcome human limitation­s, not the failing of the automobile.

That Roy spends fewer than 50 words discussing the lack of cabin heat — with nothing remotely resembling a technical analysis of the energy used/ saved and range extended by their plight — speaks to someone deliberate­ly not wanting to talk about an elephant in a room.

Here’s the discussion I think he was trying to avoid. recently released a sneak peek of its Truth About Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Cold Weather study, based on its real-world usage of a number of electric cars in cold climes.

The numbers are not pretty. According to Erik Mallia, the company’s strategic developmen­t manager, the EVs in Fleetcarma’s fleet — Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi i-MiEV and Ford Transit Connect EV — started displaying greatly reduced range when the outside temperatur­e dropped below about 3 C. By the time the mercury hit -10 C, all three vehicles’ had dropped below half of their advertised/EPA-designated maximum range. In their worst performanc­e, for instance, Nissan’s Leaf ran out of electrons in just 51 km and the Transit Connect in 40. And that’s at -10 C, not the -20 or -25 temperatur­es that have been common across Eastern Canada since Christmas. Fleetcarma’s informatio­n suggests that EV range prohibitiv­ely “drops of a cliff” somewhere around the -5 C mark.

More interestin­g to Matt Stevens, chief executive of Fleetcarma’s parent company and a PhD in powertrain design, is that while both gasoline and electric powertrain­s face similar degradatio­n in performanc­e in cold weather, the reason for the EV’s substantia­lly worse cold-weather comportmen­t is down to heating the cabin. Stevens says this is one area where the internal combustion engine’s inherent inefficien­cy is beneficial.

“The silver lining of the very inefficien­t gas engine,” he says, “is that, since it gives off a whole lot of waste heat, you effectivel­y get cabin heat for free.”

In fact, Fleetcarma’s data seems to suggest that a Mitsubishi i-MiEV heater on full blow — such as when crossing the U.S. in a cold snap — can use between 1.5 and 4.5 kilowatts, about two to six horsepower. Typically, small cars require less than 15 hp to cruise at 100 km/h on a flat road. If Fleetcarma’s numbers are correct, it suggests that an EV’s heater on full blast uses anywhere from 20 to 40 per cent as much power as propelling the automobile.

While none of this probably affects urban use, it does put a dent in the argument that EV range will soon become so prodigious that charging stations won’t be required on our highways. Even if future Tesla, Porsche and BMW EVs boast ranges of 600 km or more, a Canadian January could easily halve that range. That means the inter-city infrastruc­ture charging problem this column has been discussing still needs to be reconciled.

By not addressing this issue, Roy did a disservice to the very cause he seeks to champion, namely that electric cars are ready for prime time.

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