Calgary Herald

Premier pushes Trudeau to get tough on B.C.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau performed an interestin­g political trick Thursday in Edmonton.

He managed to be clearly visible at photo ops in the city while simultaneo­usly being missing in action.

He even held one of his town hall-style meetings Thursday night where the audience asked him questions. But when it came to demonstrat­ing definitive leadership in the growing trade war between Alberta and British Columbia over energy pipelines, he was pretty much invisible and silent.

Oh, he did make a point of saying he supports the $10-billion expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline to the West Coast from Alberta, a project he approved in 2016. But he hasn’t been much of a cheerleade­r for the project since then.

He was almost catatonic Thursday.

He dismissed the war clouds gathering between Alberta and B.C. as a mere “disagreeme­nt” between two premiers. And he offered a lacklustre promise. “We will ensure that the Kinder Morgan pipeline gets built.”

But Alberta Premier Notley wants more, much more, from the prime minister.

She says B.C.’s threat to limit the amount of bitumen Alberta can pump via pipeline to the West Coast for shipment overseas is illegal and unconstitu­tional.

She reminded Trudeau during a 30-minute phone call Thursday (when they couldn’t arrange a face-toface meeting) that the only body with the constituti­onal power to regulate interprovi­ncial pipelines is the federal cabinet. She demanded Trudeau make that clear to B.C. Premier John Horgan.

“This is not a dispute between B.C. and Alberta, it is a dispute between B.C. and Canada,” Notley told reporters.

Notley said unless Trudeau stands up for the constituti­onal powers of the federal government, he will be setting a disastrous precedent where provincial government­s can ignore federal laws.

Notley is obviously frustrated with Trudeau and upset with Horgan, a fellow NDP premier and personal friend. She accused Horgan of “playing games,” but refused to speculate if he was being pushed around by the anti-pipeline Green party that holds the balance of power in B.C.

She managed to almost put a smile on her face at times during the news conference. You could call it grace under pressure, I suppose — and Notley is under intense stress these days.

She needs the Kinder Morgan project economical­ly to boost the Alberta economy and send money to the provincial treasury. She also needs the project politicall­y to prove to Albertans that her controvers­ial environmen­tal policies — notably the carbon tax — have won the province the social licence necessary to get the pipeline built.

But the project is stalled. Her fellow NDP premier has all but mocked her environmen­tal record while making her political life hell.

Alberta official Opposition leader Jason Kenney is needling Notley, saying her Climate Leadership Plan is a failure. And he is offering a not-so-subtle “I told you so” by reminding her that he’s been arguing for months that Alberta should be taking a harder line with the B.C. government.

On Thursday, Notley said her government has suspended negotiatio­ns on buying hydro power from B.C., a move that could cost that province $500 million a year in sales.

And Notley even suggested in a roundabout way she’ll find ways for Albertans to boycott B.C. “Our government is looking at ways in which we might be able to provide additional tools to Albertans who would like to engage in that activity in a more wholesale way.”

You get the impression that if Alberta and B.C. were sovereign nations, Notley would be withdrawin­g our ambassador to Victoria and ordering our troops to the border. War would be imminent. But as two provinces in a peaceful confederat­ion, there’s only so much Notley can do to retaliate.

She has rejected what is pretty much the nuclear option, to turn off the energy taps to B.C. That’s what Kenney would like.

“Let B.C. consumers see what sky-high gas prices look like,” he said. He is no doubt voicing the opinion of many frustrated Albertans.

Notley said that would hurt Alberta industry and open up the province to complaints under trade agreements.

What Notley really wants is for Trudeau to simply do his job as prime minister.

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