Calgary Herald

Saskatchew­an premier rejects B.C. delays

- DON BRAID Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Herald

Saskatchew­an’s new premier is considerin­g retaliator­y measures against B.C. over delays to the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.

Trade could be one of them, says Scott Moe, but other actions will be considered too.

Moe spoke to Premier Rachel Notley for more than 30 minutes Monday. It was a friendly chat that focused largely on the dispute with B.C., both premiers said afterwards.

Notley hadn’t spoken to outgoing premier Brad Wall since last October. Their increasing­ly bitter dispute fouled the interprovi­ncial waters and made collaborat­ion on any issue almost impossible.

By contrast, Moe was on the line with Notley only three days after being sworn in.

In an interview after the phone conversati­on, he said:

“I spoke openly with Premier Notley with respect to me looking at what those options (for measures aimed at B.C.) might be, and we’ll speak again at the earliest opportunit­y when we both know a bit more.

“We will obviously be briefed on a number of issues. A trade option is one of those. I don’t think it’s one we’re actively looking at today, but we are looking at all our options as to how we will proceed.

“With the province of Alberta, we have a joint issue here with respect to this pipeline and the approved constructi­on of this pipeline, and the province of British Columbia is looking at slowing down or hindering that constructi­on.”

Moe isn’t exactly throwing high-fives at Notley — that’s dangerous in conservati­ve country. But he makes it clear that when the provinces have a shared economic interest, he will join with Alberta to fight for it.

“I think this is the way I’ve always dealt with others,” Moe continued.

“You need to deal with other government­s and individual­s on an issue-by-issue basis. You’re going to agree on some issues; and others, quite simply, you will not.”

There may be a moment to revive beer and licence plates, he suggested. Trade irritants persist.

But after two years of Wall’s fulminatio­ns, the complete absence of partisan barbs is striking.

Moe didn’t utter the letters “NDP” when I spoke to him. Notley said later:

“I had a great first conversati­on with Premier Moe today. I congratula­ted him on his election and thanked him for the public comments he’s made lately in support of Alberta and our fight to get our product to tidewater.

“On this issue of standing up to B.C., and their attack on working people across Canada, we are very aligned.”

The NDP’s relief at finding a serious ally is subdued but very real.

Notley had been increasing­ly isolated — battling with B.C. New Democrats, mistrustin­g the federal Liberals, never knowing when the next gust would roll over the prairie from Saskatchew­an. By the end, Wall was sounding like part of UCP Leader Jason Kenney’s campaign team.

Moe is distancing himself from Saskatchew­an’s growing image for cross-border combativen­ess. He even had a kind word for Justin Trudeau.

“I commend the prime minister of Canada for his comments around indicating this is a pipeline that is under federal jurisdicti­on, this is a pipeline that has been consulted on with people, and has been approved and should now be a ‘go.’

“Those are comments I think British Columbia should take direction from.”

Moe said the carbon tax fight with Ottawa will continue. He certainly makes no promise of eternal peace with Alberta.

“I don’t think it’s any secret that from time to time we may have difference­s with provinces, and some of the directions other provinces take.” But he promises they’ll be sorted out issue by issue, without partisan brawling.

“Political ideology aside, I’ll call ’em as I see ’em ... and I will always see them on behalf of the people of Saskatchew­an.”

Moe may have a lot of trouble carrying the Saskatchew­an Party to another victory. He certainly doesn’t have Wall’s silver tongue.

But for Notley, the new neighbour’s every word is sweet music.

 ?? CAITLIN TAYLOR/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Saskatchew­an premier Scott Moe “spoke openly” with Premier Rachel Notley on Monday.
CAITLIN TAYLOR/THE CANADIAN PRESS Saskatchew­an premier Scott Moe “spoke openly” with Premier Rachel Notley on Monday.
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