Calgary Herald

Free flu shots help keep seniors independen­t

Investment in preventive health will reduce growing need for long-term care

- WANDA MORRIS G re y Ma t t e rs

Back in my business school days, I was asked to solve a problem encountere­d by a video store. (Yes, it was some time ago).

The store was plagued with renters who ignored the request to rewind tapes after playing them. When the next renter put the tape in a VCR, they’d face the nuisance of rewinding it.

My classmates and I struggled with the business case. We suggested posting notices (Please be kind. Rewind.) and threatenin­g fines or even loss of membership for those who wouldn’t comply.

Some even thought of altering the video case so that it couldn’t hold a tape that wasn’t rewound. Nothing seemed feasible.

Fortunatel­y, the store found a solution. It started asking customers to rewind tapes before playing them. Problem solved.

In long-term care, we typically look to obvious, and often expensive, solutions: more staff, more facilities, more beds.

These solutions do play a critical part in ensuring appropriat­e care is provided and waiting lists are manageable. But are we overlookin­g simple, creative solutions? Yes we are. One of the best ways to ensure people avoid harm in long-term care is to keep them from going there in the first place.

Many provinces do this in part by having lengthy waiting lists: no beds, no long-term care. That is not the solution.

Those waiting for long-term care typically have high needs, and informal, unpaid caregivers are often cracking under the strain.

But there is another way to reduce the need for long-term care. Funding high-dose flu shots for all Canadians 65 and over would keep thousands out of hospitals and long-term care homes every year.

Many people’s physical health will gradually deteriorat­e to the point they can no longer remain at home, even with support. Long-term care is the only thing that can meet their needs.

But that’s not always the case. About one in six people live independen­tly (without any homecare) when a single negative event ends up forcing them into long-term care. Falls and flus are among the most common such events.

A broken hip or the influenza virus will land an individual in hospital. While people may recover to some extent, all too often they don’t regain the stamina and strength necessary to manage on their own.

This is particular­ly tragic when it comes to the flu, since so many instances of influenza can be prevented.

More than 8,000 seniors end up in hospital every year due to influenza. Many of them were living independen­tly before becoming ill, but leave the hospital not to go home but to enter long-term care.

While flu shots aren’t 100 per cent effective, 47 per cent of individual­s vaccinated with a high-dose flu shot are protected from influenza.

Many medication­s are less effective in older patients. Compared to the standard flu shot, the high-dose flu vaccine is 24 per cent more effective in those 65 and over, and 32 per cent more effective in those 75 and older.

We need to invest in appropriat­e support for older Canadians, including in long-term care. At the same time, why not invest some funds to provide critical vaccines that keep seniors healthy and active, rather than waiting until they need longterm care, with its attendant risks?

CARP is calling on all provinces to fund high-dose flu vaccines for residents 65 and over. We won’t solve our long-term care problems overnight. But we can solve them for many people — by ensuring they never need it in the first place. Join our National Day of Action to Protect Pensions. On Feb. 21 we’re asking Liberal MPs across the country to put pensioners first. Add your voice: Sign up now at dayofactio­n.

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