Calgary Herald

It’s time to ‘pay the piper’ on taxes

Average Calgary homeowner could pay almost $250 extra by 2022


City council has endorsed a fouryear plan that could see annual property tax hikes slightly exceeding inflation, for a total increase of almost $250 by 2022 for the average homeowner.

“We’ve done a good job of increasing our taxes below inflation for years, but sometimes you gotta pay the piper,” Mayor Naheed Nenshi said Wednesday.

Council voted 11-3 in favour of the plan. Councillor­s Jeromy Farkas, Sean Chu and George Chahal voted against.

The plan would include a hike in property tax in the range of 2.65 to 3.45 per cent for 2019, translatin­g to a $49 to $64 annual increase for the average homeowner.

Subsequent annual tax increases of between 2.5 and three per cent, between 2020 and 2022, were also tentativel­y approved, translatin­g to potential increases of each year of up to $58, $59 and $61, for the typical household.

“We’re still looking at indicative rates that are approximat­ely inflation,” said Nenshi. “We’re not looking at huge service increases. We’re not even looking at making up for the cuts of the past. We’re looking at something that I think most people would think is reasonable.”

The decision only provides guidance for city administra­tion in crafting budgets and tax rates, finalized budget numbers won’t come until next November.

Council also voted for a hike in residentia­l waste and recycling rates by as much as 30 per cent by 2022.

Current charges for the black, blue and green carts programs amount to around $19.90 per month. By 2022, those charges could reach as much as $25.84 per month.

There are still several big unknowns and decisions to come from council this year that could impact what Calgarians ultimately pay in property taxes going forward.

The city’s wage and salary expenses for the next few years are still up in the air while labour negotiatio­ns continue with a number of unions.

Council will make a decision in June on the number of new communitie­s that will be built on Calgary’s periphery, with big implicatio­ns for capital costs.

There are also decisions on hosting the 2026 Winter Olympics and building a new arena.

A proposal, brought by Farkas and seconded by Chu, calling for zero increases to property taxes for the next four years was also hotly debated in council chambers Wednesday.

Earlier in the meeting, city administra­tion warned that freezing property taxes could result in a revenue shortfall of $150 million to $200 million.

“We would be losing significan­t front-line services, including police, fire, parks, transit, you name it,” said Coun. Evan Woolley of the zero-increase proposal.

“That would cut very deeply to our core services and I wasn’t willing to support that and the vast majority of council chose the same.”

Farkas’s motion was defeated in an 11-3 vote. Only councillor­s Chu and Chahal joined him in voting in favour of the proposal.

“I think it’s kind of silly that we go back to these doomsday arguments that if we just spend as much money as last year that the entire city will fall apart,” Farkas said following the vote.

“It may not be a lot of money just on the property tax side, but bear in mind you have to add in fees, you have to add in utilities, you have to add in the burden from the provincial and federal government, and it quickly adds up to big money.”

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