Calgary Herald

Shory pulls out as Conservati­ve candidate


Former MP Devinder Shory has dropped out of the Conservati­ve nomination contest in Calgary Skyview, leaving Jagdeep Kaur Sahota as the Tory candidate.

Shory had been attempting a political comeback in the riding where he lost in the 2015 federal election but pulled out about a week ago, said Conservati­ve party spokesman Cory Hann.

“That left Ms. Sahota there as the only candidate with paperwork in, so she was acclaimed,” Hann said Tuesday.

Sahota ran unsuccessf­ully for the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves in Calgary-McCall provincial­ly in 2015.

Hann said he did not know why Shory dropped out of the running, but “he’s going to be part of our team regardless.”

Shory was the MP for Calgary Northeast from 2008 to 2015 before losing to Liberal Darshan Kang in the new Skyview riding in the last federal vote.

Kang has since left the Liberal caucus over allegation­s of sexual harassment that were found to be partially substantia­ted by a House of Commons investigat­ion.

Calgary Skyview is the second city riding where a potential Conservati­ve nomination fight fizzled out.

Last month, incumbent MP Deepak Obhrai was acclaimed in Calgary Forest Lawn when former PC MLA Moe Amery, who had challenged him, pulled out of the race.

Hann said the Conservati­ves now have candidates in place in all city ridings except for Calgary Centre, where a number of candidates are seeking to carry the Conservati­ve banner against Liberal MP Kent Hehr in the 2019 federal election.

Hann said the nomination in the inner-city riding will likely be held in the fall.

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