Calgary Herald

Mafia tip spurs new probe into art theft

- Nick Squires

ROME • Nearly 50 years after it vanished, Italy has opened a fresh investigat­ion into the theft of a Caravaggio that would today be worth $26 million.

A mafia turncoat has come forward with informatio­n that could lead to the recovery of the painting, entitled Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence, which depicts Mary gazing lovingly at the newborn baby Jesus.

It hung in the Oratory of San Lorenzo in Palermo, Sicily, until it was expertly cut from its frame on a stormy night in October 1969 by unidentifi­ed thieves using razor blades or box-cutters. The theft is listed by the FBI as number two on its list of the world’s top 10 art crimes.

For years, it was thought that the Nativity might have been destroyed — possibly eaten by rats and mice after being stashed in a barn in the Sicilian countrysid­e. Another theory claimed the altarpiece was used as a bedside mat by Salvatore “Toto” Riina, the murderous head of Cosa Nostra, who died last year aged 87.

The National AntiMafia Commission says it has gleaned new informatio­n from the “pentito”, or turncoat, that suggests that the painting was stolen, possibly with the help of art experts, and ended up in the hands of Stefano Bontade and Gaetano Badalament­i, two Cosa Nostra bosses.

They then smuggled the painting to Switzerlan­d, according to Gaetano Grado, the turncoat. A Swiss art dealer, who has since died, cut the oil painting into pieces to make it easier to sell on the black market on behalf of the mafia.

Badalament­i was arrested in 1984 for traffickin­g millions of dollars’ worth of heroin into the U.S., in what was known as the “pizza connection”. He spent 17 years in prison before dying in a hospital in Massachuse­tts in 2004.

The Anti-Mafia Commission has passed on the informatio­n to prosecutor­s in Sicily, who have opened a fresh investigat­ion.

Rosy Bindi, the head of the commission, said that investigat­ors had unearthed “interestin­g elements” that could lead to the work being traced.

“We don’t believe the painting was destroyed, as was thought in the past,” she said.

As part of the inquiry, prosecutor­s are expected to interview a range of people, including a former mafia member convicted of drug offences who has since been released from prison.

“The mafia made a lot of money out of it. We hope to be able to find at least a fragment. Our investigat­ion has found sufficient leads to justify the reopening of a judicial investigat­ion,” Bindi said.

 ??  ?? Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence, circa 1609, was painted by the Italian Baroque master Caravaggio. Its theft in 1969 from the Oratory of San Lorenzo in Palermo, Sicily, is number 2 on the FBI’s list of top 10 art crimes.
Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence, circa 1609, was painted by the Italian Baroque master Caravaggio. Its theft in 1969 from the Oratory of San Lorenzo in Palermo, Sicily, is number 2 on the FBI’s list of top 10 art crimes.

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