Calgary Herald

High-mindedness comes back to bite Trudeau


Ask most Calgarians and they probably don’t know what a petard actually is. But they do have a vague inkling Justin Trudeau might be about to get hoisted on his.

It’s one of those vagaries of the English language that some weird sayings stick around, while more common utterances follow the dodo into extinction. It seems there must be something about being hoisted on one’s own petard — a phrase first appearing from a passage in Shakespear­e’s Hamlet — that touches a common emotion, even if the words themselves have passed from common usage.

A petard is a small bomb. To be hoisted on it essentiall­y references poetic justice, in common parlance perhaps a suicide bomber blowing himself up with his own explosive device before getting in place to do savagery to others would be a suitably apt example.

Yes, we rather enjoy watching others reap what they sow, to use a similar expression. That’s especially true if such self-inflicted misfortune happens to those of a particular­ly pompous nature, whose fake sincerity and excess sweetness oozes over us as if we’d bitten into one of those deep-fried ice cream concoction­s often found at the Stampede. (The type you often say “yahoo” to for a second time 60 minutes later).

And when it comes to being sugar-coated, few politician­s can match our prime minister, especially when he extols the virtues of women and the evils that men have done in the touchyfeel­y department of long ago. In keeping with our new national pastime of saying sorry for all type of misdeeds, Trudeau announced there should be zero tolerance when it comes to this type of boorish behaviour, regardless of any time scale involved.

Oh boy, I thought, when he first went down this route, you’d better be purer than driven snow, Justin, otherwise this is going to come back and bite with a vengeance. Standing on the moral high ground is always a dangerous and

Standing on the moral high ground is always a dangerous and unsteady place to be, regardless of how superior it must feel

unsteady place to be, regardless of how superior it must feel.

And while predicting Wednesday follows Tuesday usually turns out wrong in my hands, this particular glimpse of the future has indeed emerged as a rare but correct piece of political prophecy.

Trudeau is in serious trouble over an allegation, dug up from way back in 2000, in which the Creston Valley Advance carried a rather odd editorial suggesting the then 28-year-old teacher had groped a young reporter covering the Kokanee Summit Festival.

Even now that seems a strange thing to write an unsigned editorial about — usually the voice of the local paper deals with things such as toohigh council rates, parking problems and who might grow the biggest pumpkin that particular summer — but there it still sits today, in accusatory black and white which is, unfortunat­ely for the prime minister, now being read all over.

Forget any potential trade war, the ongoing pipeline fiasco and the recent election of Doug Ford in Canada’s most populous province. What CNN, Washington Post and Flare magazine all want to discuss is this vague allegation that Trudeau inappropri­ately touched a young woman 18 years ago. He says he didn’t do it, or at least can’t recall it, and those then at the paper don’t want to discuss it either after such a long period of time.

Nobody alleges anything illegal took place, making the whole thing even more mysterious. So what is he actually supposed to have done? Grab her arm? Tickle her under the chin? Play footsie under the table? We’ve no idea. Only that it wasn’t criminal. Regardless, the whole world is avidly watching as that moral high ground starts its inevitable crumble.

Trudeau deserves no sympathy. He was a willing architect of this current culture of guilt by vague, time-lapsed accusation. We don’t know what he did, if he did it.

But Hamlet understood: The prime minister is being hoisted by his own petard.

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