Calgary Herald

Citing ‘love,’ Ethiopia, Eritrea restore ties


• The leaders of longtime adversarie­s Ethiopia and Eritrea agreed Sunday to restore diplomatic relations after nearly 20 years and to open the border between their neighbouri­ng Horn of Africa countries.

Ethiopia’s reformist new Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed arrived in Eritrea’s capital and was welcomed with hugs and laughter by Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki, a joyous scene unthinkabl­e just months ago.

After being cheered by crowds in Asmara, Eritrea’s capital, and holding private meetings, the two leaders announced new measures.

“We have agreed to open up embassies in our respective countries, allow our people to visit each other’s cities and allow our airlines and ports to operate freely,” said Abiy.

Abiy said the two leaders have “agreed to bring down the wall between us. Now there is no border between Ethiopia and Eritrea. That border line has gone today with the display of a true love … love is greater than modern weapons like tanks and missiles.

“Love can win hearts, and we have seen a great deal of it today here in Asmara. From this time on, war is not an option for the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia. What we need now is love.”

The Eritrean leader also effused about the new era of friendly relations between the two countries.

“The Eritrean people have today got the chance to express their true love and emotion for Ethiopians,” said Afwerki. “We can imagine that the decision the prime minister of Ethiopia took was not a simple one. But we can assure you we will face the future together. We will work as one.”

Earlier in the day, crowds danced and sang for the leaders, and Asmara’s streets were hung with Ethiopian and Eritrean flags. Abiy, 42, and Afwerki, 72, travelled across the capital in a large motorcade as people wearing T-shirts with the images of the leaders cheered. The leaders then met one-onone, with a smiling Abiy leaning toward Afwerki under a wall hung with their portraits.

Also Sunday, telephone connection­s were establishe­d between the neighbouri­ng Horn of Africa countries.

The visit of Ethiopia’s prime minister to Asmara comes a month after Abiy surprised people by fully accepting a peace deal that ended a 20-year border war between the two East African nations that killed tens of thousands.

Ethiopia and Eritrea have not had diplomatic ties since the war began in 1998, with Abiy himself fighting in a town that remains contested today.

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