Calgary Herald


And, oddly, that’s good news for NDP

- SHAWNLOGAN On Twitter: @ShawnLogan­403

Thirsty Albertans are more likely to pour a cold beer than a glass of wine, and a new survey suggests those who prefer suds over tannins could be more inclined to back an NDP government.

So does that mean Premier Rachel Notley’s ruling NDP could defy polls and earn a second term on the backs of beer-loving voters?

Not necessaril­y, said Shachi Kurl, executive director of the Angus Reid Institute.

“It’s feel-good policy, but I don’t necessaril­y think votes are driven by beer policy,” said Kurl. “If it’s a question as to what extent it actually helps politician­s, I would take a step back and say ‘have we actually seen an election turned on booze policy?’”

On Monday, the pollster released the results of an online survey that queried 1,500 Canadian adults who are members of the Angus Reid Forum, asking them about their preference­s in both booze and politician­s.

It found Albertans nearly split in their liquor choices, with 49 per cent favouring beer and 45 per cent opting for wine.

But the poll also found that among supporters of the three major federal parties, those who support the NDP are the likeliest, at 48 per cent, to hoist a mug of beer. Wine came in a distant second choice for Team Orange at 33 per cent.

Meanwhile, Conservati­ve Party voters still favoured beer (43 per cent) over wine (32 per cent) or spirits (24 per cent).

Liberals were the most likely political cohort to choose wine at 36 per cent, the poll found, but most (43 per cent) still opted for beer.

Booze and liquor have become significan­t policy planks for parties hoping to woo thirsty voters, most recently with new Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Buck-a-Beer pledge to reduce the minimum price floor of beer to $1, plus deposit.

B.C. wine became a flashpoint earlier this year, after the Alberta government announced it would no longer stock its neighbour’s wines on store shelves in retaliatio­n against B.C.’s efforts to derail the Trans Mountain pipeline.

Kurl said Notley has been keen to promote Alberta’s craft beer industry during her tenure, noting politician­s looking to buoy their popularity can often grab an easy win and photo op from a boozy announceme­nt.

“It’s fluffy and it’s feel-good,” she said.

“It’s a perceived easy win, but what are they actually winning beyond a warm glow from voters?”

A scan of Alberta government news releases over the past 24 months found no fewer than a dozen announceme­nts related to alcohol, about one every other month.

Notley’s beer backing hasn’t always been a winning strategy, however.

A series of markups aimed at stimulatin­g Alberta’s homegrown beer industry dating back to 2015 resulted in three separate trade rulings against the province, a judicial order to pay more than $2 million in restitutio­n to out-ofprovince brewers and, just this month, a $100-million class-action lawsuit against the province on behalf of out-of-province craft beer producers and agents affected by the policy.

Kurl said, while politician­s might enjoy the short-term buzz of announcing popular booze policies, it’s the wedge issues that still drive voters.

“It’s not the type of thing that’s going to electrify voters like carbon pricing or immigratio­n policy,” she said.

“It buys politician­s a bit of cover and it can be a welcome distractio­n.”

The survey, conducted between July 11 and 16, is considered accurate within 2.2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

It’s not the type of thing that’s going to electrify voters like carbon pricing or immigratio­n policy. It buys politician­s a bit of cover, and it can be a welcome distractio­n.

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 ?? LEAH HENNEL/FILES ?? David Gingrich, beer guy at Willow Park Wine and Spirits, might be happy to know most Albertans prefer beer over wine.
LEAH HENNEL/FILES David Gingrich, beer guy at Willow Park Wine and Spirits, might be happy to know most Albertans prefer beer over wine.

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