Calgary Herald

Former city councillor seeks UCP nomination


Andre Chabot, a former mayoral candidate and longtime city councillor, is seeking the United Conservati­ve Party nomination for the riding of Calgary-East.

Chabot — who served 12 years on Calgary council before making a failed bid for mayor in the October municipal election — is aiming to make a political comeback in a riding that closely overlaps his former council ward in east Calgary.

Calgary-East is currently the seat of NDP MLA Robyn Luff.

Chabot placed a distant third in the fall election with just over three per cent of the vote, behind challenger Bill Smith and Mayor Naheed Nenshi.

Considered a fiscal hawk during his time on council, Chabot opposed the Olympic bid and has previously said that a new hockey arena shouldn’t come at the expense of taxpayers.

A former constructi­on worker and technical sales rep, Chabot has been busy since his exit from municipal politics.


Last March he made an appearance at city hall as a consultant with the firefighte­rs’ union, advocating against a relaxation of the city’s seven-minute standard for fire response.

Chabot joins a slate of five candidates who have declared interest in the UCP nomination for Calgary-East, including Matthew Dirk, Issa Mosa, Robert O’Learly and Pradeep Singh.

 ??  ?? Andre Chabot
Andre Chabot

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