Calgary Herald

Saskatchew­an asks judge to evict First Nations camp

- Ryan McKenna

• The Saskatchew­an government is asking a judge to order an Indigenous protest camp to leave the legislatur­e grounds.

Government lawyer Michael Morris has told a Regina court that the protesters are making it hard for the province to maintain the land across from the building.

Teepees have been set up for six months as campers protest what they say is racial injustice and the disproport­ionate number of Indigenous children apprehende­d by child-welfare workers.

Protesters have filed a court applicatio­n of their own seeking to have six arrests made during an eviction in June declared illegal.

Lawyer Dan LeBlanc, who represents the protesters, told court his clients have a right to free speech.

But Morris says it’s not about whether the protesters are advocating for a good cause but rather about them following the law, including bylaws that ban open fires and structures such as teepees on the property.

“This case is not about whether the protesters are advocating for an honourable cause,” Morris told court Thursday.

“It is not about whether there are too many Indigenous children in foster care. It is not about whether the criminal justice system is fair for Indigenous people.

“This case is about the government’s ability to regulate, maintain land in Wascana Centre.”

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