Calgary Herald



Superfoods may seem like heroes, promising to bestow nutritiona­l powers if you only buy into the hype.

Well, the new documentar­y The Superfood Chain argues that there’s a dark side to these so-called superfoods — and the ramificati­ons are global.

From filmmaker Ann Shin, The Superfood Chain tracks the rise of foods such as quinoa, teff and coconuts, and reveals the effects the industry has on farmers in Bo- livia, Ethiopia, the Philippine­s and Haida Gwaii. It also poses questions about food security, sustainabl­e farming and fairtrade practices.

“I’m a sucker when it comes to food trends. I try out the latest superfoods, always ensuring to eat right,” says Shin. “But are exotic superfoods really that good for you or are we better off buying locally?”

The Superfood Chain starts streaming Oct. 8 on

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