Calgary Herald



Most of us have a regular routine in the grocery store: Stick to the perimeter where the real food is and duck down an aisle or two when you need pickles, baking soda or coffee.

When my son is back from school, I always grab milk and eggs. When my daughter’s home, it’s lentils and peppers. The kids have come and gone over the years, but now that they’re both out of the house, I have a brand new routine at the grocery store: buy as little food as possible and try to eat up what’s already in the house.

My kids went off to grad school, leaving me with tons of food. After all, they each have their own routines at the grocery store, which accounts for the chicken thighs in the freezer, steel cut oats in the pantry and an awful lot of onions in the fridge. As they started their semesters on either side of the country, I got started taking an inventory of food in the house.

First up was the fridge. I went deep and emptied all the little jars of fancy jams, mystery sauces and potential science experiment­s that I don’t recall ever putting in the fridge. I kept the honey because, regardless of who bought it, or when, it never goes bad. My son had neglected to eat his quota of five-egg omelettes before getting on the plane, so I gave an untouched carton of 18 eggs to my neighbour, who still has a strapping young lad at home hoovering through food.

My fridge gleams. And every time I open it I am transporte­d back to the joy of my first apartment, where you always knew there was cream for coffee and the leftover pizza you put in yesterday is still there waiting for you today. Like magic.

Encouraged by the success of the fridge, I tackled the pantry. I thought it would be sensible, not to mention delicious, to make cookies and use up the chocolate chips and a bunch of nuts and oats. I’d give some cookies to the neighbour because she’s always giving me sweet treats fresh out of the oven. I threw a cup of oats on a mound of flour, but the oats started crawling. After double checking the recipe (no insects!), I threw it all in the green bin and proceeded to get rid of every single thing in the pantry that wasn’t in a tin.

Before you start any bug shaming, you can’t blame me for the weevils. A friend — an esteemed foodie who ran a test kitchen for years — assures me that “weevils are child’s play.” Apparently, they show up in your house from bags of stuff you bring home from the store. You’re supposed to put flour in the freezer for a few days to kill any bugs and their eggs before you break out the cookie sheets. My household mentor/ domestic adviser tells me she keeps a lot of her dry goods in the freezer. But my neighbour, the baking goddess, says that can cause the moisture in the flour to crystalliz­e. No matter. While I’ll be eating a lot of tinned goods in the near future, I’m not so sure I’ll have a hankering for baked goods any time soon.

I know cleaning out my empty nest has added to the $31 billion of food we waste in this country every year. Canadians toss about 40 per cent of the food we produce and almost half of what we throw out (47 per cent) is residentia­l waste, such as the food in my pantry, leftovers that got shoved to the back of the fridge, and ice cream that’s covered in freezer burn.

In Calgary and a growing number of cities with green bin programs, that food gets turned into compost for making things grow in city parks and other places. That makes me feel a little better about all that uneaten spaghetti I tossed. Now that I have a personal connection to every single item in the fridge and have eradicated any science experiment­s and all weevils, I will throw out a lot less food. Promise.

When I open my pantry to get a tin of lentils, I admire how pristine the shelves are. My eye often wanders to the scraps of paper taped to the inside of the door that list phone numbers for my kids’ elementary school friends. The numbers scrawled out in little-kid handwritin­g escaped the pantry purge, as did the pencil marks inside the door that mark the kids’ heights over the years. When I look at them I can’t help but wonder which year it was, and which one of us it was, who stashed that Crispy Crunch I found in the very back corner of the top shelf.

 ??  ?? A pristine fridge cleared of science experiment­s and expired products gives you a sense of accomplish­ment, although it does mean some food waste.
A pristine fridge cleared of science experiment­s and expired products gives you a sense of accomplish­ment, although it does mean some food waste.
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