Calgary Herald

Has CanaDa GonE to pot?


The medical profession and government have spent 40 years trying to reduce cigarette consumptio­n, with some obvious success.

Now it appears the government is encouragin­g smoking again, when recent studies have shown that cannabis is even more harmful to young brains and lungs than ordinary cigarettes. The reason is obviously financial in nature — i.e. more tax revenue.

When watching all the media discussion­s it is obvious there is little or zero guidance on where weed can be smoked (patios/parks etc.), issues with rental properties, condominiu­ms with shared AC systems and the list goes on.

However, one of the major issues is the inability of police to check on impaired drivers.

The current test only detects cannabis and does not quantify it, unlike alcohol, which can be correlated to impairment.

My guess is that lots of impaired drivers will get away scot-free on legal technicali­ties.

This cannabis legislatio­n was obviously rushed through without proper considerat­ion of all the health, legal and societal implicatio­ns. Bernard Bradford, Calgary

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