Calgary Herald

Is your trainer fit to give diet advice?

Researcher­s find that fitness experts don’t necessaril­y know about nutrition


Qualified fitness trainers know all about the right way to do a workout. But do they know the right way to eat?

Despite the seemingly natural link between diet and exercise, most trainers have no more than a few hours of nutrition education. Yet even with this limited knowledge base, they often assume the role of diet guru to their clients.

“Gym members like the idea of one-stop shopping,” dietitian Lisa Rutledge said. “But I don’t advise people on how to squat, and trainers shouldn’t give advice on how to eat.”

Rutledge says gym culture perpetuate­s a diet culture, largely due to the number of people who equate exercise with weight loss. Other diets popular with the gym crowd come with promises of bigger muscles or improved athletic performanc­e. Yet despite the tendency for trainers to feel confident in their ability to provide diet advice, there’s little to suggest they have the appropriat­e training and knowledge to counsel clients about what to eat, much less reach lofty goals by changing their diet.

How much nutrition knowledge do trainers really have? A group of Australian researcher­s from the University of Sydney decided to find out. They recruited 161 fitness trainers, 36 dietitians and 357 members of the general community to take a questionna­ire designed to evaluate nutritiona­l expertise, divided into four sections: dietary guidelines, nutrient content of food, making healthy food choices and knowledge of diet/disease relationsh­ips.

The goal of the study was to see where trainers ranked compared to dietitians and the general public. Also noted were the age, gender and education level of all respondent­s.

Not surprising­ly, the trainers scored significan­tly lower than the dietitians in three of the four sections, with healthy food choices the only segment in which the trainers and dietitians had a similar number of correct answers.

As for how trainers’ knowledge compared to respondent­s from the community, the only area in which they scored higher than the general public was in understand­ing nutrient content. Also interestin­g to note is that trainers with an undergradu­ate degree in exercise science didn’t score higher on the questionna­ire than peers without a related degree.

“Given that our results demonstrat­e limited nutrition knowledge among exercise profession­als, the accuracy and effectiven­ess of the nutrition advice provided must be questioned, particular­ly with regards to specific medical nutrition advice,” the researcher­s said.

This is an important message, especially considerin­g the tendency of trainers to dole out suggestion­s related to eating for health. A previous study performed by the same group of researcher­s noted that 51 per cent of 286 fitness profession­als polled stated they provide nutrition advice related to heart disease, 48 per cent provided counsel about diabetes and blood sugar, 44 per cent talked about supplement­s, 39 per cent discussed nutrition deficienci­es and 35 per cent advised about food allergies and intoleranc­es.

“A lot of damage can be done when it comes to offering advice about food,” said Rutledge, who claims poor guidance can set individual­s off on a path of disordered eating that can last years. Beyond the obvious risk of counsellin­g someone to consume foods that may negatively affect physical health, Rutledge says that suggesting success in the gym is linked to certain dietary habits is sending the wrong message.

“People start to believe that if they follow a particular diet, they will be strong, healthy, thin and accepted,” Rutledge said. “Yet no studies have shown that diets are successful in the long run.”

Rutledge agrees with the Australian researcher­s in recommendi­ng that fitness profession­als stay within their scope of expertise.

“Of course clients are going to want to talk about food, but that doesn’t mean trainers need to have all the answers,” Rutledge said. “Instead, they should let their clients know that their role is to help them get fit and strong.”

Having a registered dietitian on staff or available for consultati­on at local gyms can help trainers avoid the trap of answering questions for which they lack expertise.

Clients also need to understand that fitness profession­als are trained to prescribe workout plans, not diet plans, and that despite their apparent fitness, most of their dietary knowledge is limited to their own experience. The science of food is complex, so trainers should stick to what they do best.

“Fitness trainers should be a source of body positivity,” Rutledge said. “They should stay away from diet talk and teach people how to move through life with strength and in good health.”

 ?? ALLEN McINNIS ?? Just because a qualified fitness trainer can help you lift weights, it doesn’t mean he or she can help you prepare a food plan.
ALLEN McINNIS Just because a qualified fitness trainer can help you lift weights, it doesn’t mean he or she can help you prepare a food plan.
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