Calgary Herald

Alberta needs to turn the tables


Re: Ottawa turns a blind eye to oil price crisis in Alberta, Opinion, Nov. 22

Many thanks for Don Braid’s excellent expose. The reality is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accomplish­ed what Trudeau the elder could not: he has put the Province of Alberta into a financial ghetto.

It’s time for an uprising! Premier Rachel Notley could tomorrow place export tariffs on all petroleum products leaving the province. These tariffs would automatica­lly revert to the producers, giving them the equivalent of world prices, or better in the case of natural gas.

Next, Alberta could buy into the deepwater Port of Churchill and have access to the world.

Threats of retaliatio­n and court action can be countered by the precedents set by B.C. premier John Horgan and premier Christy Clark before him and former Montreal mayor and Liberal cabinet minister Denis Coderre. John Gandecki, Calgary

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