Calgary Herald

Geologists kept out of climate debate


Re: What’s in a name? With climate change, a lot of reckless misuse of language, Opinion, Nov. 21

Kudos to Rex Murphy for his comment piece. Finally a journalist clear-headed and courageous enough to publicly call out the climate change nonsense we are inundated with on a daily basis.

Rex mentions “sciences that are sciences” and refers to physics, botany, astronomy and biology. I didn’t notice any reference to anthropolo­gy.


As an aside, why do we rarely, if ever, see or hear of geologists being asked for their input on climate changes that are known to have occurred for millions of years prior to the earliest burning of hydrocarbo­ns?

Knowledge of these matters is essential to the geology profession, but heaven forbid we should consult anyone with actual expertise in the field.

Much easier to blindly accept as gospel the latest blathering of the UN, I guess. Bill Garman, Calgary

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