Calgary Herald



The closing of the GM plant in Oshawa is very tragic with 2,500 jobs lost, but let’s put it in perspectiv­e. Alberta in the last four years has lost over 100,000 jobs, together with tens of billions of dollars in private investment. On top of that, we continue to lose $80 million a day in lost revenue because of a lack of pipeline capacity and suffer from a jobless recovery with the unemployme­nt rate sitting at 8.2 per cent.

No doubt the politician­s down East will tripping over themselves in trying to soften the blow in Oshawa, but where in the last four years has there been any empathy or help for Alberta from the rest of the country, provincial or federal, when we have experience­d nothing short of an economic Armageddon? No wonder we feel betrayed in Alberta.

Philip Rosso, Calgary

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