Calgary Herald



Re: Geologists kept out of climate debate, Letter, Nov. 27 Bill Garman laments geologists are being kept out of the climate change debate. Judging by the merits of his letter, that might be a good idea. He is probably an excellent geologist who can look at rocks and deduce the environmen­ts that existed when they were created. This doesn’t mean he is good at science.

It is completely fallacious to argue that because climate change occurred before the burning of fossil fuels or humans even existed, we can conclude that they can’t be causing the rapid change in our climate today. On the contrary, one can correlate global population against global temperatur­e with a 96 per cent correlatio­n coefficien­t. Current climate change is being driven by the burning of fossil fuels, and the number of people doing that. An opinion from a geophysici­st.

Dave Mackidd, Calgary

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