Calgary Herald

EnErgy iDEAs not thouGht throuGh


Re: “Geothermal energy expertise already in Alberta,” Letter, Dec. 4

In a way, I agree with the sun power concept. We still have to learn a lot to make it 100 per cent efficient.

Wind power is another issue. From a land management perspectiv­e, it makes no sense at all. That’s aside from all the other negative effects. How are we going to replace petrochemi­cals? How about plastics?

Our world is full of plastics for which we have no economic viable substitute­s yet. Our modern cars alone are 50 per cent plastics by volume. It’ll be a long time before everybody can afford an electric car, which still needs plastic for body constructi­on.

Too many people jump on these sometimes deceiving theories without even making an attempt at thinking them through. Of course, there is such a thing as evolution, but let it take its natural course. It has guided us for thousands of years, and will do so in the future, too. Caspar Pfenninger, Calgary

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