Calgary Herald

Constructi­on zone rules updated

Failing to cover speed-reduction signs when not in use will result in fines, possible job shutdown

- LICIA CORBELLA Licia Corbella is a Postmedia opinion columnist

The idea is so fuelled by common sense, one has to wonder why it has inched into existence much slower than, well, a car driving through a constructi­on zone.

The inspired idea of requiring contractor­s to cover up speedreduc­tion signs on provincial highways when constructi­on workers aren’t present and there are no other safety concerns comes to us via Alberta Transporta­tion Minister Brian Mason.

“I’ve heard a lot and experience­d myself situations where the speed limits are reduced where there are no workers on site and there is no readily apparent reason to have a speed zone with double fines and double demerits,” Mason told reporters Tuesday when he announced the change to the regulation­s that are already in effect on provincial highways.

Come this spring when constructi­on season begins, contractor­s who don’t comply will face fines of between $500 and $25,000 and possibly even a complete project shutdown, depending on how often they are found to be in violation of the new regulation­s.

And the common-sense regulation­s just keep on rollin’. If as a result of a sharp shoulder or other road hazard the speed limit remains at 50 km/ h, “if there are no workers present, speeding fines will not be doubled.”

That, fellow drivers, is simply righteous.

None of us wants to speed by someone working at the side of the road. As Mason said Thursday during a telephone interview, “It’s never been the goal to weaken safety. The goal was always to eliminate unnecessar­y speed reductions and unnecessar­y fines and demerits.” Honk if this makes you happy. Also, rather than seeing speed signs suddenly drop from 100 km/ h to 50 km/ h — causing drivers to have to slam on the brakes to slow down in a hurry — there will be phased-in speed reduction signs to help us all slow down in a safer, more gradual way on provincial highways.

Mason also said he has limited the distances of lane closures during constructi­on.

“They will be limited to a maximum of three kilometres.”

Mason says he heard a lot of stories from frustrated Alberta drivers since he became transporta­tion minister when the NDP won the provincial election on May 5, 2015.

Instead of just listening and then driving on, Mason wrenched the steering wheel away from the status quo and made changes that will improve the lives of every Albertan who travels our provincial highways.

“I drive a lot on the highways and I always try to observe what’s going on, but it’s certainly something that really annoyed me for a long time,” said Mason, 65, who’s retiring after 30 years of public service at the end of this term — 11 years on Edmonton city council and 19 as an NDP MLA, including a 10-year stretch as party leader from 2004 to 2014.

Mason says one story in particular illustrate­s why he had to drive this agenda forward.

“I know this guy who was driving with his wife to visit some friends at their farm in Vegreville,” said Mason.

The friend was travelling along a road under constructi­on and there was a little dirt road that was built as a detour where the speed limit was lowered to 50 km/ h and then 60 km/ h, and that made perfect sense because it was just a bumpy dirt road.

“Once they were out of the constructi­on zone they were on a brand-new, six-lane, divided highway with fresh asphalt, fresh lines, perfectly straight, beautifull­y sunny day and he started to accelerate for about a two- or three-kilometre stretch, and then, right at the end of it, a sheriff comes running out and flags them over,” recounts Mason.

“They were doing 90 in a 60 zone. Didn’t realize it was still considered a constructi­on zone because there’s no constructi­on whatsoever.”

As the driver was handed the ticket, he could see up ahead on the road the sign saying, ‘Thank you, please resume speed.’

“So the sheriff had used the constructi­on zone in order to generate revenue and not because there was any valid safety reason to do so,” said Mason.

Now, if only we could get the city of Calgary and every other province and municipali­ty to follow suit.

Ravi Seera, Calgary’s traffic manager for roads, provided the following informatio­n via email: “In most cases The City already complies with the recent Alberta government regulation­s for constructi­on zones.

“The City’s current process is to remove the speed reduction and/or the entire detour when work is not taking place (workers are not present) and there is no immediate risk to the travelling public due to roadway conditions such as excavation, roadside objects or barriers,” said Seera.

That’s good news, but I’m not so sure it’s happening. It certainly isn’t the case on westbound Bow Trail, where workers never seem to be there but the signs are always up and police are occasional­ly waiting nearby with photo radar.

“During peak constructi­on, the City averages over 150 jobs per day and ... when a constructi­on zone is not in effect, the signs are covered.”

Perhaps it will take a while before compliance becomes obvious.

Ultimately, Mason’s regulatory changes will ensure Albertans will enjoy more fairness and fewer delays on our roads.

He deserves a sustained smile and a wave for that.

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