Calgary Herald

Once upon a time, there was only one bin

Simple task has become complicate­d burden, says George Brookman.

- George Brookman is CEO of West Canadian Digital Imaging Inc. and former president of the Calgary Stampede. This is the first of a regular column that will appear every two weeks.

The city may want to get out of the garbage business completely. And this is how revolution­s begin. One day the people say, “That is it; I just want my burning barrel back.”

Recently, someone sent me a YouTube video called “Keep Singapore Clean.” The video shows how Singapore is incredibly clean and environmen­tally friendly. All of the combustibl­e garbage in Singapore is burned, turned into ash and then is being used to create incredibly beautiful islands and wonderful parks.

That story took me back to my childhood when every house on our block had a “burning barrel.” Regularly, we would take our used paper bags, newspapers, cereal boxes and anything else we could burn and reduce them to ash. Often that ash was spread onto our garden in Mount Pleasant, but otherwise it was sent away with the garbage truck.

A few weeks ago, someone said to me, “George, what starts a revolution?” I responded, “Let me tell you about garbage.”

One day someone much smarter than anyone else decided that burning garbage was a bad thing, so we all got rid of our barrels. We all had to buy two or three new galvanized garbage cans and build enclosures in our fences for them. Once a week, two men in a truck would come and empty those cans. The system was perfect, everyone was happy.

Then, a few years ago, someone much smarter than anyone else said, “We want you to stop using those cans and instead use these fancy new blue plastic garbage bins. They will hook onto these fancy new trucks and it will mean fewer people needed to pick up the garbage. It will be faster and it will be more efficient.”

Of course, we all thought, “Wow, these people are so smart.”

And we all started using the blue bins.

Well, what happened next? That really smart person said: “We want you to sort your garbage into things that can be recycled and things that can’t. We’re going to provide you with a second garbage can and this one will be black so you can put things that cannot be recycled into one bin and things that can into the other. Good news is that there are countries that will buy our recycled products; so the extra costs will be low, and we will not have to put so much garbage into our landfills.”

Well, once again we all said: “OK” — but maybe we were not quite as enthusiast­ic as the first time.

Then came the green bin.

“Now you can throw your meat, old vegetables, dead pets and birds, dog feces and even grass clippings and Christmas trees into an entirely new bin. However, if you throw the wrong garbage into the wrong bin, we will put a sticker on your bin to tell you that you have been very bad and if you do it again, we will not pick up your garbage.”

People are trying to comply, but you can feel the resentment building. Once again, those really smart people have it all figured out and I will bet they never put the wrong garbage into the wrong bin.

Well, now we have the latest chapter in the garbage saga.

First, we’ve discovered that selling our recycled products is not as easy as we thought.

Second, the cost of picking up the three bins, perhaps needing two different sizes, maybe even different-sized trucks for different days is now reaching the point that the city may have to introduce a new fee to have your garbage picked up ... and then last week someone suggested that perhaps we should just let people hire their own contractor­s to pick up their garbage.

What was once an obvious task of the city paid for by our property taxes has now become such a burden that the city may want to get out of the garbage business completely.

And this is how revolution­s begin. One day the people say, “That is it; I just want my burning barrel back.”

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