Calgary Herald

U.S. senator’s Canadian prescripti­on

- Marni Soupcoff National Post


Republican U.S. Senator Rand Paul is coming to Canada for hernia surgery.

The charges that this is hypocritic­al of Sen. Paul, who is a vocal critic of socialized medicine, are ridiculous; he’s being treated in a private clinic and will be paying for his care out of his own pocket.

One could understand the fuss more if Sen. Paul were heading to one of this country’s public hospitals. But even in that case, calling Sen. Paul out for not practicing what he preaches would show a lack of intelligen­ce since he’d still be footing his own bill. And the high quality of care at many Canadian public hospitals (most of which are owned by nonprofit organizati­ons, not by government as is often assumed) has as much to do with private charitable donations as with government spending.

In Toronto, Sinai Health System’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is an impressive, state-of-the-art facility … thanks to a $5-million donation from the Newton Glassman Charitable Foundation. Mr. Glassman had previously criticized the Ontario government’s handling of the health-care file, noting that in his estimation, the NICU at Toronto’s SickKids’ hospital “looks like a 1970s Russian Gulag.”

It’s frustratin­g how illogical so many people, of all political stripes, are about health-care policy. But it’s especially frustratin­g how little sense proponents of specialize­d medicine make when they get angry about an individual paying for his own care.

Sen. Paul choosing to have surgery at the Toronto-area Shouldice Hernia Hospital is not an indication that he secretly endorses or believes in universal government health coverage. Nor does Sen. Paul’s choice in any way hurt or disadvanta­ge Canadians who have that universal coverage.

I do, however, see Sen. Paul’s decision as highlighti­ng an advantage that he enjoys by virtue of being non-Canadian: he can easily and legally seek out, select, and pay for his own care in this country. It’s next to impossible for most Canadians to do the same, even if they have the financial means, because of provincial laws preventing doctors from taking private money for services already covered by government.

Sen. Paul’s selection of Shouldice also highlights that for all the jockeying about which country does health care better, neither Canada nor the United States has a great health-care system given what wealthy and developed nations they are. That’s why the best care for hernia surgery in North America comes not from a traditiona­l American or traditiona­l Canadian hospital, but from a clinic that is in the unusual situation of both being private and receiving a lot of non-government and non-insurance money. So-situated, the clinic has an incentive to bill appropriat­ely and offer excellent quality to its patients, many of whom are paying their own tabs.

These observatio­ns notwithsta­nding, Sen. Paul coming to Canada for a medical procedure isn’t much of a story. The fact that so many reporters treated it as one betrays either a lack of common sense, or a deliberate attempt to mislead readers for clicks and influence.

For example, Newsweek Tweeted: “Rand Paul, who calls universal health care ‘slavery,’ will have surgery in Canada but insists hospital is private.”

Yes, it would be ironic and newsworthy if Sen. Paul had to flee from the United States to Canada because he desperatel­y needed our Medicare. He’s been socialized medicine’s biggest critic! But, that’s not what happened, and it’s not a good sign that journalist­s strongly implying otherwise either didn’t know it; or didn’t care. (Kudos to the Toronto Star’s Daniel Dale — no libertaria­n himself — for trying to set the record straight on Twitter by explaining to Americans that Shouldice is indeed a private, for-profit hospital, a Canadian anomaly.)

What did happen was Sen. Paul choosing, as he put it himself, “capitalist­ic medicine”: Treatment from a private hospital that will welcome any patient from any country so long as he or she has the cash. This is nothing but in keeping with Sen. Paul’s libertaria­n ideology. It also demonstrat­es why The Hill’s media reporter concluded that “Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) announceme­nt that he will be travelling to Canada for hernia surgery is one that should be taught in journalism classes (about) how not to cover a story.”

For over 70 years, the Shouldice clinic has been performing hernia operations and only hernia operations. It has some of the lowest complicati­on rates in the world (perhaps because of its specializa­tion) and it is located in a very pleasant setting that happens to be less than a 90-minute flight away from Washington, D.C. No wonder Sen. Paul chose it for his surgery. The real story would have been if he hadn’t.

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